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So I have been noticing over the past competitions it seems like its starting to be a "rich get richer" type of deal. The people who always win keep winning and getting higher and higher scores while others still stay at the bottom. I was curious if there was some way to fix this to make it more competitive.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
well, there seems to already be a system set in place for this issue. Those who are just starting out are put in division 3, and those that have played a few seasons are in division 1 and are rich. the game is progressive and is more like reality in this way. The groups with money can host shows in real life, just as teh groups with a lot of money can host large shows on fma, and earn more revenue. If you rehearse and rehears, you will also get high scores. The only difference will be dificulty level (which is a strategy), and staff, which has a level cap, putting you on even ground with the richer competitors. Money is only useful for staff, and since some people have their staff capped, their money is no longer useful. the people that win arent winning because of money, they are winning because they rehearse very often.
This is true.. and while it may seem that the "rich get richer" I can tell you that this is not really the case. The "top" groups are there because they are putting in the time and effort to be that competitive.. and even then, there are a lot of factors that affect your scores and placement, so it's not all about who just practices the most or has the most staff or the most influence, etc.

Nothing is stopping you from being a top Div 1 group. It will take work, and it might take a few seasons, and it will probably take the right strategy. Most of the top Div 1 groups started in Div 2 or 3. In fact, myself and one other member are the only members to have made Div 1 finals every season in all 4 groups.. everyone else had moved up slowly.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I guess what im getting at is not all of has the access to rehears all the time at the hour when we get our points. I go to school and am heavily involved in band activities. Im saying there should be more of a way for the people who can't get on much to be put somewhere else. I have been on here since the beginning and have never been a top group.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
If you have a limited schedule like that, you will probably be placed in Div 2 or 3. This will put you in approximately the same competition/activity level as other members in your situation. It is pretty common and a lot of members are in the same boat. However, members who can get on pretty much 24/7 will not necessarily give them an advantage, because there is a lot more than just practice that gets equated into scores.

You might need to adjust your strategy with points, rehearsals, promotions, etc.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
gmbande, the idea is that if you are not up to the level of Division I, you will be put in Division II. That being said, there is always going to be a cutoff, where some people have to be at the bottom of a certain division. That's frustrating sometimes but I'm not sure what a better solution would be. I know some people would like to see a 4th division, which might help with that a little bit. I haven't really thought about that much but maybe I should.
Tullahoma had to work hard to get where it is. We started in D2 and low D1. Now we're fighting to get into the medal race. Note that we may be in 1st and 2nd in everything now, but that will change. I have a good, solid staff, but these guys just play more than me, and they play better than me. I'm still tweaking with rehearsal and show hosting to figure out what gets me the most money (just in time for me to max out :P) and money is still useful after all level 20's. It's just a lot less useful. That's why my guard (who have achieved 20+ staff) no longer runs campaigns.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
My whole point is I've been in D1 since the beginning and no matter what I haven't moved down.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
I feel ya brother! Its just going to take time to accumulate enough points to compete, this is my 3rd season, first in 2nd div. Last season the Hangmen took first in div 3 by more than 5 points and now in div 2 it hard work once again and close to the bottom,ha! It's just that way.

Here is a idea, pad up 200 points, then in between class just reherse one caption. you actually will come out better point wise, if you reherse every hour with that 200 pad + the 100, you can spend it any way you need. The only reason I did so well last season was my alarm clock. oh yeah I won last season not hosting a show and with 0 money, money and influence isn't everything, think full staff if you dont already have a staff, promote,promote! OCD helps!

Chin up brother, reherse that way and I promis some one will miss a few hr's and when you dont miss you'll walk right past them. get behind and there is nothing they can do but buy credits.
Founder of the DLOFDL

Director of the Hangmen dbc Div 3
Director of the Madens of the Gallows cg Div 3
Director of the Academic Hangmen mb Div 3
Director of the Hangmen Drumline Div 2
I might play once a day now. But if you want to win you have to set alarms on your phone every 3-4 hours and be completely obsessed with winning. Right now its not worth it for me, maybe it will be again at some point.

Money is always useful, just not as valuable once your staff hits 20. Most of my staff is level 22 right now.
Detroit Parks & Recreation