November 23rd, 2011 8:03am
I feel ya brother! Its just going to take time to accumulate enough points to compete, this is my 3rd season, first in 2nd div. Last season the Hangmen took first in div 3 by more than 5 points and now in div 2 it hard work once again and close to the bottom,ha! It's just that way.
Here is a idea, pad up 200 points, then in between class just reherse one caption. you actually will come out better point wise, if you reherse every hour with that 200 pad + the 100, you can spend it any way you need. The only reason I did so well last season was my alarm clock. oh yeah I won last season not hosting a show and with 0 money, money and influence isn't everything, think full staff if you dont already have a staff, promote,promote! OCD helps!
Chin up brother, reherse that way and I promis some one will miss a few hr's and when you dont miss you'll walk right past them. get behind and there is nothing they can do but buy credits.