October 19th, 2012 12:18pm
Fantasy football is compelling because in each season there is a chance your team could win regardless of what happened during the last season. This is, of course, different than what happens in the real life marching arts, and so FMA shouldn't totally adopt a fantasy football mentality. Success in prior seasons should aid you in future ones. But this does make FMA less compelling and it needs something else to make it more interesting.
It seems like most of the staff writers are not actively involved because to really be involved in and have success in FMA, you have to play every day multiple times a day. Not everyone always wants to give up that much time in their lives (sometimes they can't) so instead of playing for a season, they either don't participate at all in that season or spend the season campaigning. When people are campaigning they aren't going to spend time writing articles for groups. But this makes it even less interesting for players now.
So what is there that attracts people to FMA now? I've spent 8 seasons getting my groups to where they are now (and my guard has 2 finals gold medals including a new scoring record) but it seems like people pay less attention than they did when I joined in season 13.
I think the 6 hour submission thing was done to alleviate the need to submit all the time making it easier for people to play. However, this is a catch-22 because it does make it harder for new groups to break into the top. I still think the need to play as often as you do to have to be successful is too much, but any solution to fix that makes it even harder again to break into the top.