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Auto accept show applications
It would be awesome to have a new feature where when setting up shows, you have the option check a box to automatically select applications as soon as they are made. This should help prevent the few cases of shows from never getting filled and wasting everyones time, and also let people run shows where there is a "first come first serve" like I always do.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Or, for that matter, an "accept over 'x' influence" option, or an "accept over 'x' director level" option...
Detroit Parks & Recreation
I like both ideas. is there a way to do it? :D
-Joao Paulo Castro (JP CASTRO)
djjp (FMA)
Board Of Directors (The National Marching Band Association)
Director of Bands
Titan Sound Marching Band
Nova Titan Sound Drum Corps
One problem with that though Chris is if most people are like me and don't sign up for one show at a time that they could get auto accepted into more shows than their weekly allowance of 5. I suppose one fix could be you could only apply for 5 shows at a time and if you're not auto accepted you could choose to either wait or reapply.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
or the shows that have the auto accept just have the option to join now just like league events or fma regionals.
I am tired of signing up for shows like I did on the 1st and the person does not except anyone and forgets or does not know how the game is played. Also I am signing up for shows and am not getting rejected to find out they are only accepting those that re in there organization. It should be auto apply or make people say specifics in there show titles..
Robert mevec DIRECTOR
lhs, maybe try doing what I do now.. after applying for a show, I will give it 1 or 2 days and then I will cancel the application and apply for a different show.. also it helps if you do your applications at the very beginning of each season
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"

Generally, if they are mostly accepting people in their league, they accept those groups first and then the rest of the spots are given to whoever.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles