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FMA Season 12: Drum Corps Round Up - Week 1
Hey all you FMA’ers out there!

Welcome to Drum Corps Round Up-Week 1!

So I’m going to have a format for this that will be similar to what was seen in MazzusK’s articles (Why fix something that doesn’t need fixing?). I’ll post the top 10 corps in each division overall, as well as posting the stats of the top 5 corps in each caption, as well as providing (hopefully witty and pertinent) commentary on historical precedents and current trends.

Division 1 Top 10 Overall:

1 Blue Demons CLASS 76.590
2 Nemesis CLASS 74.700
3 Regal Regiment CLASS 73.865
4 Epic CLASS 73.215
5 Blue Deviled Eggs CLASS 72.655
6 The Tullahoma Azure Force UNSP-C 72.335
7 Quiksilver CLASS 72.150
8 Minneapolis Regiment CLASS 72.010
9 Corps of Unspecified Identity UNSP-C 71.185
10 Cornhuskers Drum & Bugle Corps 69.270

Division 2 Top 10 Overall:

1 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 65.510
2 dunkirk patriots CLASS 64.605
3 Musketeers 62.825
4 Marching Eagles CAMA 62.295
5 Virginia's Finest CAMA 62.125
6 Cul-de-sac Cadets UNSP-C 62.085
7 The Raiders CLASS 61.895
8 Prince Hall-Royal Arch CAMA 61.760
9 Yukon Gold CLASS 61.450
10 Marching Royal Dukes CAMA 60.940

Division 3 Top 10 Overall:

1 Immortals 60.975
2 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 57.100
3 Carolina Brass CLASS 56.000
4 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 54.910
5 Spirit of Pride SEC-C 54.610
6 Lo Siento CAMA 54.075
7 Cream of the Corps CAMA 53.240
8 orangemen CLASS 53.060
9 The Black Knights 53.020
10 lake erie storm CLASS 52.740

Division 1 Top 5 Winds:

1 Cannelton Sound UNSP-C 7.860
2 Minneapolis Regiment CLASS 7.710
3 Blue Demons CLASS 7.530
4 The Tullahoma Azure Force UNSP-C 7.255
5 Blue Deviled Eggs CLASS 7.220

Division 2 Top 5 Winds:

1 Musketeers 7.495
2 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.655
3 The Raiders CLASS 6.485
4 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.460
5 Yukon Gold CLASS 6.420

Division 3 Top 5 Winds:

1 Immortals 6.335
2 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.765
3 LiveSTRONG Drum Crop DCI 5.575
3 lake erie storm CLASS 5.575
5 Carolina Brass CLASS 5.550

Division 1 Top 5 Percussion:

1 Corps IBEX CLASS 8.340
2 Minneapolis Regiment CLASS 7.705
3 Blue Demons CLASS 7.545
4 Lemon Bay Jazz CAMA 7.285
5 Blue Deviled Eggs CLASS 7.255
5 The Tullahoma Azure Force UNSP-C 7.255
5 Nemesis CLASS 7.225

Division 2 Top 5 Percussion:

1 Imperial Sound UNSP-C 7.585
2 Arachnophobia UNSP-C 6.840
3 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.660
4 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.505
5 The Raiders CLASS 6.430

Division 3 Top 5 Percussion:

1 Immortals 6.175
2 Wolfdogs CAMA 5.740
3 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.725
4 LiveSTRONG Drum Crop DCI 5.635
5 lake erie storm CLASS 5.575

Division 1 Top 5 Music Ensemble:

1 Blue Demons CLASS 7.960
2 Khaki Krusaders UNSP-C 7.810
3 Regal Regiment CLASS 7.705
4 Nemesis CLASS 7.650
5 Blue Deviled Eggs CLASS 7.425

Division 2 Top 5 Music Ensemble:

1 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.640
2 The Pride SEC-C 6.515
3 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.455
4 Yukon Gold CLASS 6.420
5 The Blue Eagle Drum and Bugle Corps AF-DC 6.350

Division 3 Top 5 Music Ensemble:

1 Immortals 6.010
2 Spirit of Pride SEC-C 6.000
3 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.810
4 Lo Siento CAMA 5.550
5 Carolina Brass CLASS 5.510

Division 1 Top 5 Visual Performance:

1 Minneapolis Regiment CLASS 7.715
2 Blue Demons CLASS 7.515
3 Lemon Bay Jazz CAMA 7.255
4 Epic CLASS 7.250
5 Nemesis CLASS 7.220

Division 2 Top 5 Visual Performance:

1 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.495
2 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.385
3 Cul-de-sac Cadets UNSP-C 6.240
4 Sedition Drum and Bugle Corps RNG-DC 6.040
5 Yukon Gold CLASS 6.030

Division 3 Top 5 Visual Performance:

1 Immortals 6.280
2 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.750
3 lake erie storm CLASS 5.570
4 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 5.465
5 orangemen CLASS 5.435

Division 1 Top 5 Colorguard:

1 Minneapolis Regiment CLASS 7.720
2 Blue Demons CLASS 7.545
3 Epic CLASS 7.315
4 The Tullahoma Azure Force UNSP-C 7.270
5 Regal Regiment CLASS 7.250

Division 2 Top 5 Colorguard:

1 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.710
2 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.510
3 Cul-de-sac Cadets UNSP-C 6.180
4 Musketeers 6.110
5 Southwind II CLASS 6.060

Division 3 Top 5 Colorguard:

1 Immortals 6.220
2 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.740
3 lake erie storm CLASS 5.590
4 orangemen CLASS 5.535
5 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 5.465

Division 1 Top 5 Visual Ensemble:

1 Blue Demons CLASS 7.910
2 Regal Regiment CLASS 7.755
3 Nemesis CLASS 7.740
4 Epic CLASS 7.420
5 Blue Deviled Eggs CLASS 7.400

Division 2 Top 5 Visual Ensemble:

1 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 6.590
2 The Pride SEC-C 6.505
3 Leviathan CLASS 6.355
4 dunkirk patriots CLASS 6.295
5 Virginia's Finest CAMA 6.265

Division 3 Top 5 Visual Ensemble:

1 Immortals 6.130
2 Spirit of Pride SEC-C 5.935
3 Carolina Brass CLASS 5.830
4 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 5.825
5 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 5.630

Division 1 Top 5 General Effect Music:

1 Khaki Krusaders UNSP-C 15.815
2 Regal Regiment CLASS 15.615
3 Blue Demons CLASS 15.285
4 Nemesis CLASS 15.250
5 Epic CLASS 14.730

Division 2 Top 5 General Effect Music:

1 Marching Eagles CAMA 13.060
2 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 13.050
3 dunkirk patriots CLASS 12.995
4 Marching Royal Dukes CAMA 12.985
5 Prince Hall-Royal Arch CAMA 12.985

Division 3 Top 5 General Effect Music:

1 Spirit of Pride SEC-C 12.020
2 Immortals 11.915
3 Carolina Brass CLASS 11.635
4 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 11.245
5 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 11.075

Division 1 Top 5 General Effect Visual:

1 Blue Demons CLASS 15.300
2 Nemesis CLASS 15.195
3 Regal Regiment CLASS 15.010
4 Epic CLASS 14.755
5 The Tullahoma Azure Force UNSP-C 14.525

Division 2 Top 5 General Effect Visual:

1 Piedmont Crusade CAMA 13.170
2 Virginia's Finest CAMA 12.870
3 Marching Eagles CAMA 12.605
4 Atlantic Trough CAMA 12.580
5 dunkirk patriots CLASS 12.540

Division 3 Top 5 General Effect Visual:

1 Spirit of Pride SEC-C 12.105
2 Immortals 11.910
3 Carolina Brass CLASS 11.525
4 Red Lightning Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps CLASS 11.240
5 Poke Em' Drum And Bugle Corps CAMA 10.865

Division 1:

In general the top 10 corps are perennial finals contenders, however there are some newcomers to this pack. The Tullahoma Azure Force is coming in as a perpetual semifinalist, now rising into a spot that has long eluded them, Top 12. Minneapolis Regiment is coming back strong after a few season hiatus, as they placed in Finals in Division 3 two seasons ago, and winning Division 2 last season. MR is looking like they will be here to stay. In Division 1 Winds Cannelton Sound is fresh out of Division 2 and placed the record high Winds Score in that division last season. They are currently leading Division 1 Winds, but there are many corps underneath them who have placed higher Winds scores than them. Will Cannelton hold their lead? In Division 1 Percussion Corps IBEX is light years ahead of the competition and look likely to hold that place well into Finals as they have placed top 3 in Percussion every season in Division 1 since Season 4. On a side note, there is a 3 way tie for 5th between Blue Deviled Eggs, The Tullahoma Azure Force, and Nemesis. In Music Ensemble we have the Blue Demons pulling ahead in 1st, this corps has recently skyrocketed from prelims obscurity to being in Finals the past two seasons, and now they hold a slim lead over others in this caption. In Visual Performance is the upstart Minneapolis Regiment, clearly they are doing something right, as they are placing in the Top 5 of many captions and claimed this caption by a nice sized margin.
And in Color Guard……. It’s MINNEAPOLIS REGIMENT! Need I say more? You’re doing really good ismensink. In Visual Ensemble it’s, Blue Demons. I don’t want to seem biased, so on to the next! In General Effect Music, it’s the Khaki Krusaders, with a slim lead over Regal Regiment, who has the all-time high mark for this caption. The Krusaders will be hard put to keep Regiment down. In General Effect Visual it’s, Blue Demons! You know what screw nepotism. Go Blue Demons!

Caption Awards:
Winds- Cannelton Sound
Percussion- Corps IBEX
Music Ensemble- Blue Demons
Visual Performance- Minneapolis Regiment
Color Guard- Minneapolis Regiment
Visual Ensemble- Blue Demons
General Effect Music- Khaki Krusaders
General Effect Visual- Blue Demons

Division 2:

The trend of upstart Corps in the lead continues! In 1st is Piedmont Crusade who is a constant placeholder in Division 2 Semifinals. In fact with the exception of the dunkirk patriots, every member of the top 10 is a new to it! Good going guys! In Division 2 Winds the Musketeers hold a gigantic lead over the rest of Division 2 and they probably wont let go of that sort of lead. Look for them to take the Caption in Finals. In Division 2 Percussion is Imperial Sound! Much like the Musketeers they hold a nigh insurmountable lead at this point. They currently sit in 13th place, so they may yet claim the Caption for the total season. In Division 2 Music Ensemble Piedmont Crusade holds the caption with a slim lead. Though their lead is tenuous, look to them to hold it for the time being. No prediction for Finals here however. In Division 2 Visual Performance it’s the dunkirk patriots with a lead that amounts to around a tenth of a point. The patriots have a consistent history of placing in Finals in the division they compete in, so look to them to fight for this caption and try to take it all the way to Finals night. In Division 2 Colorguard it’s Piedmont Crusade again! They hold another caption with a slim lead. This upstart Corps apparently wants to make a point that they are here to play! In Division 2 Visual Ensemble it’s Piedmont Crusade! Good grief man! Do your kids get any sleep? In Division 2 General Effect Music it’s the Marching Eagles who hold a .01 lead over Piedmont Crusade. The Eagles need to practice like demons in order to keep this lead over the hungry corps in first. In Division 2 General Effect Visual it’s Piedmont Crusade. I give up. I’ll just say it. Crusade, as it stands right now, is my favorite for first in Finals.

Caption Awards:

Winds- Musketeers
Percussion- Imperial Sound
Music Ensemble- Piedmont Crusade
Visual Performance- dunkirk patriots
Colorguard- Piedmont Crusade
Visual Ensemble- Piedmont Crusade
General Effect Music- Marching Eagles
General Effect Visual- Piedmont Crusade

Division 3:

Last but not least, it’s Division 3! In the Top 10 we have a conglomeration of young and inexperienced Corps, as I suppose is to be expected. The only notable member of the top 10 is Lo Siento who has been around since Season 8 and is the oldest member of the group. In Division 3 Winds it’s the Immortals, who hold a large lead over the rest of the field. As they sit in first right now, watch for them to hold this caption and win it all with their almost 4 point lead over second. In Division 3 Percussion it’s the Immortals once again! With this sort of set up they will probably be advancing to Division 2 next season. Division 3 Music Ensemble goes to… Immortals! They hold a very slim lead over the second place over Spirit of Pride, who looks to be gaining on them. Since this will be no surprise, I will say that in both Visual Performance and Colorguard it’s the Immortals by a large margin. In General Effect Music it’s… Oh my. No way… It’s not the Immortals! It’s the Spirit of Pride! Wait… No way! In General Effect Music it’s also the Spirit of Pride! Although they have a slim lead in both categories, they are probably the closest thing that the Immortals have to a rival in a category right now.

Caption Awards:
Winds- Immortals
Percussion- Immortals
Music Ensemble- Immortals
Visual Performance- Immortals
Colorguard- Immortals
General Effect Music- Spirit of Pride
General Effect Visual- Spirit of Pride

Feel free to post anything that I should think about going on into later updates. Like what you would like to see in these updates. I'm thinking they will happen weekly.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
nice job! Its strange to have Nemesis not even winning one caption at this point. However our all rookie corps is doing a great job of holding their own!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Oooh might wanna improve on my G.E.
Practice doesn't make perfect....it makes you better...
Me gusta.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Thanks! =)
DC: Blue Demons Corps
Excellent job! Love these type of write ups so keep up the great work. :)
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
Bots. :(
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Bots eradicated.
Lol Alex, that post made me giggle. Possibly because I'm running on 3 hours of sleep for the past 36 hours.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
Huh. Only now do I realize I've only made D1 Finals once but have made 13th place 3 times and 14th place once... :'(

But looks like this is the season to finally pull it off!
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.