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Inside FMADC - July 5th 2010
Day two was filled with much of the same as Day one. As the Corps begin getting their feet wet, it will be interesting to see who manages to get solid footing and separate themselves from the rest of the pack. There were only 6 shows yesterday, 5 less than opening day. In terms of Corps attendance, there were 2 shows tied at the top: �Red Tape Bonanza� (Hosted by Marching Bureaucrats) featuring 15 Corps who performed for 717 fans, and �The Day after July 4th� (Megaslash Marchers) also with 15 Corps performing in front of 679 fans.

Perception Drum & Bugle Corps (53.715. Winners of Percussion Caption, Music Ensemble, Visual Performance, Visual GE) currently lead all Division I Corps, and by a fairly healthy margin. Time will tell if they hold on to that lead. Second place in Division I, The Stout Marchers (52.050. Winners of Percussion Caption, Music Ensemble, Music GE, and Visual GE) who have kept the position for 2 consecutive days. Sapphire Sound (51.925) is currently in 3rd in Division I, after going head-to-head with Perception Drum & Bugle Corps.

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (49.005. Swept all Captions) made a monumental score jump, which has allowed them to take 1st in Division II. Performing for the first time this season, Band Geeks (48.895. Winners of Brass Caption, Percussion Caption, Visual Performance, Guard Caption, Visual Ensemble, and Visual GE) currently sit in 2nd in Division II. Spin Cycle (48.715.) kept their position in the top 3 of Division II, despite not performing yesterday.

Taking 1st in Division III, The Knights (47.980. Winners of Brass Caption, Music Ensemble, Visual Performance, Guard Caption, Visual Ensemble, Music GE, and Visual GE) jumped The Arbiters from 2nd. The Arbiters (47.260.), who took the day off yesterday, remained in the top 3 and are currently 2nd in Division III. Despite not performing last night, The Pride of Texas Hill Country (47.090.) currently sits in 3rd for Division III.

Division I Top 5
1. Perception Drum and Bugle Corps � 53.715
2. The Stout Marchers � 52.050
3. Sapphire Sound � 51.925
4. Blue Deviled Eggs � 51.920
5. Darkness � 51.810

Division II Top 5
1. Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps - 49.005
2. Band Geeks � 48.895
3. Spin Cycle � 48.715
4. Future Shock � 48.510
5. Black Diamonds � 48.430

Division III Top 5
1. The Knights � 47.980
2. The Arbiters � 47.260
3. The Pride of Texas Hill Country � 47.090
4. Coast Blue Regiment � 47.080
5. Night Watch � 46.880

Top Brass -
D1 - Carolina Red Oaks D2 - Eagle Pride D3 - The Arbiters
Top Percussion -
D1 - Perception Drum & Bugle Corps D2 - Spin Cycle D3 - Red Rebellion
Top Guard -
D1 - The Wolves Drum and Bugle Corps D2 - Spin Cycle D3 - The Knights
Top GE(Music) -
D1 - The Wolves Drum and Bugle Corps D2 - Future Shock D3 - The Knights
Top GE(Visual) -
D1 - Perception Drum & Bugle Corps D2 - Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps D3 - Night Watch

Sorry this took so long. I�ll have a big update ready Wednesday, that will recap the weeks competition thus far. And remember, if you�re interested in being interviewed leave a comment here or e-mail me (InsideFMADC@gmail.com).

Daily Numbers
717: Highest Attendance on Day 2- Red Tape Bonanza
Director of The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts, a non-profit based out of Dacula, Georgia

Former FMA Drum Corps staff writer.
Great article. I can't wait to see how I do tonight for my first show. It'll be tough to break the top 5, but I hope I do well. =)
Open to be interviewed, if you are interested.

~The Knights
Division II - The Knights and Marching Knights
open to interview :]

I'm SO proud of my group, I wish I was performing tonight!
Proud Director Of

Infinity Sound Drum and Bugle Corps (D2)
Infinity Winterguard (D2)
Storm Indoor Drumline (D2)
Westwood Academy Marching Band (D2)