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The Druids Celebrate 11 Seasons In October!
Season 12 is looking to be a BIG one for the Druids, who have begun planning for their program, simply entitled "The Sun".

"Since we missed our 10th anniversary this last exhibition Season, we want to hit the celebration on our 11th hard. We've got plans to amp up EVERYTHING about who we are, including a temporary switch to the use of our full name, The Druids of Dublin Drum & Bugle Corps. The drill is big, the concept is big, and we have a lot of major staff changes within the corps design team. I am loosening the reigns a little on the corps, creatively, so we can make a larger impact on the community by incorperating a wider scope of musical ideas." - Executive Director Douglas A. Olmstead

The corps' uniform got a revamp-- using the white uniforms from th Chess show and adding some new cuffs, a sun pendant, and a dramatic switch to a white shako (replacing their traditional aussie).

"We really want to make the corps out to be different this Season. We've always been, well, really stuck in our ways with our "dark sound", and "classy" attitude. Over the course of the last few shows, we've wanted to experiment with the corps' identity-- I believe we are finally beginning to redfine it: and no better timing than our anniversary into the double digits." - Brass Caption Head, newly appointed Co-Brass Design Head Nick Klawitter

An entire repertoire for the upcoming Season can be found at http://thedruidsdrumcorps.webs.com/nextseason.htm.

Keep posted for a Division announcement and other updates in the near future.
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
Really glad to see The Druids back again! You always have great show concepts and this is no different.

***FMA Hall of Fame***
7x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
8x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-126
11x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-126
24x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
Thank you! I eagerly await Season 12's start!
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director