September 15th, 2011 5:57pm
I put more time into the creative aspect of this game than the actual playing.
The game playing itself is easy. I set an alarm-- every four hours. It virtually takes maybe 2.5 minutes to click a few buttons, BAM, corps rehearsed.
The REAL time, for me, is spent maticulously designing my show. Anyone who keeps up with my corps (The Druids) knows I write paragraphs under my repertoire. I want my fellow FMA-players to be able to see and hear my show-- I want them to feel like this game is real. This also influences me into writing press releases that are in depth, writing a history for my corps, and even making a website with all sorts of "traditions" that my corps has made (several taken and modified from ensembles I have been in with the past).
I spend, on average, several days every Season writing ideas, changing the website, coming up with new things to add, say, and release that will make this game more believeable, and more enjoyable for others who play. If I could write a press release a day about the day-to-day life of tour for the Boys in Green, without annoying the heck out of everyone, I would!
AND, I am not even putting my all into it. I still realize it's a game, and I have a life. I do drum corps, teach/do marching band, I am a full time music ed student, and all the while I love to sink some free time into this fantasy world where I couldn't be any prouder of my ensemble.