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FMA Hall of Fame
This is the official forum for the Hall of Fame! Here are your Hall of Fame Directors:

Alex Yoder: The First recipient and honorary Hall of Fame Member is our founder and webmaster Alex Yoder! Alex, we owe you so much for continuing to support our dreams here on FMA! You are always reactive to our needs and constantly looking to improve the look, the style and the play! Inducted August 2011

Chris Rohn: No matter what activity it is that Chris is involved with, he brings his all! To say that Unspecified has been a force for many to recon with is an understatement! Whether it be division II or I, his corps or his other activities or even yes, the league, Unspecified is what quality is all about at FMA! Inducted August 2011

Cire: Blue Deviled Eggs at time of winning was THE best corps to never win the title! They had challenged every champion that had ever been on the FMA field! Beyond having an award winning and powerhouse of a corps, Cire was extremely active in FMA, not backing away from a friendly rivalry or debate! Inducted August 2011

Saxamattone: He is one of the most established directors in FMA, and it is an honor to grant him entry into this prestigous hall. This is the highest honor any FMA director can possibly receive, and its something everyone should strive for. Thank you saxamattone, for your hard work and dedication, and may your name forever be remembered in history as one of the all time greats. Inducted July 2015

gcurrier: Inducted November 2015

TrumpetVinny: Inducted November 2015

marimbaman89: Inducted March 2016

rocketfan86: Inducted March 2016

corndogshuffle: In FMA since season 7. This director has overcome adversity in his quest to perform well against his counterparts. Although he hasn't won the most in FMA, he has definitely made an impact, gaining over 43 medals in his career with his ensembles, and he is on the verge of gaining 4 more. He has won 18 total gold medals, and his Drum Corps has been one of the pioneers in CLASS for a very long time. Inducted July 2016

Aaron0316: n season 18, this director came into FMA and dominated Division 3, having the greatest D3 season of all time. In season 36, the FMA world welcomed him back with open arms, and his groups made the very rare jump for D3 to D1. In season 39, he set out to make a bigger impact in FMA by founding one of its biggest leagues, and being a huge part in the everyday operations of many others. He has been a mentor and leader for many directors across FMA. In his triumphant return, Aaron has brought an increased rate of success to FAME, which on all levels has become an FMA powerhouse. This success is due to his dedication and hard work, and FMA will never forget his contributions.
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Falcon Regiment began in the fall of 2006 competing in the FMB circuit. After several unsuccessful seasons, the band folded. In 2008, a group of dedicated alumni revived the band for its comeback season with its program - Revival. It is unknown how the band did competitively due to disorder in FMB. The FMB circuit was disbanded after its tenth season (Falcon Regiment's revival season). With no circuit to compete in, Falcon Regiment remained as a parade band. This resulted in major support from the community. In early 2009, a new circuit emerged. This circuit was known as FMA. Falcon Regiment was a founding member. After 11 seasons in FMA, the circuit underwent huge renovations. The director of Falcon Regiment resigned, and the new director did not fill the shoes of the old one. As a result, Falcon Regiment did not compete in the inaugural season of the new FMA, and nearly folded. Unhappy with the organization, the old director came back. Falcon Regiment was reorganized as a Drum Corps and now competes in FMA today.

Due to Falcon Regiment becoming a drum corps. The organization's old drum corps, Centennial Regiment, was unable to exist. As a result, Centennial Regiment was reorganized into a marching band. Centennial Regiment went undefeated in its inaugural season capturing the gold medal in Division III finals.

As a result of the success of both Falcon Regiment and Centennial Regiment, not only did the community and alumni contribute greatly to both ensembles, but the ensembles also saw overwhelming talent and numbers at auditions - particularly in the guard and percussion captions. With limited spots open, and too many talented auditionees, the ensembles decided to use the alumni and community donations to create an indoor division of the organization consisting of an indoor drumline and indoor colorguard. The two indoor ensembles were appropriately named FalconLINE and CentennialGUARD. Both of these ensembles were gold medal finishers in their inaugural seasons. Since making the move to Division 1, these ensembles have made finals for every season they competed.
Continuum (Resigned)
Although I was a member of FMA v1, I had joined about 3 days before the last finals were held, so there is a good probability that I had the worst group in FMA v1... However since joining FMA v2 I have been very lucky in having a very successful and rewarding career as a director for all 4 of my groups. It has been very tiresome at times, hard at other times, nerve-racking (usually about 4:59pm PST) and at times just very frustrating (thank you Nemesis).

I can spend my time telling you all about the history of each of my groups, how they each come up with their own very unique show themes each season and almost always write their own original songs, how each group is tied in with each other, or the fact that almost all of our members have been hand picked to be in the organization since they were 5-8 years old.. I can tell you about the history of the director, crazy stories from our groups, or all of the famous musicians and dancers who have auditioned for us and have been cut.. or better yet, I can tell you how great my groups are and how I should be selected for the FMA Hall of Fame, how many shows I have won, how I am also a moderator, or that I am one of the few directors in FMA who has won the DCI World Championships.. I can tell you relevant or irrelevant information, and of which may be true, or it might all just be lies..

However there is one thing that is undeniably true... and that are statistics. Yes, 1's and 0's that are stored on a server somewhere.. these "random" sequences of numbers hold the key to the facts and truth. Actions and history speak louder than man-made printed words...

So here are a few of those statistics for you to think about.

- 3 Division 1 Gold medals
- 17 Division 1 Silver medals
- 15 Division 1 Bronze medals
- only 1 of 2 directors to have made Division 1 finals every season with all 4 groups
- only director to have never been out of the top 5 in Division 1 with all 4 groups, and only placing 5th once with one group
- is ranked #1 in Director Rating
- is ranked #4 in all time wins with every group
- is ranked #1 in Director Level in every group
- is ranked in the top 10 high score for all 4 groups
- has finished in the Division 1 top 3 35 out of 40 possibilities, more times than any other directors

Thanks, and please vote for me, not because I feel I deserve it or because I want you to, but because you know I deserve it and you want really want to vote for me.

~ cire
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Sapphire Vanguard and Emerald Vanguard were both created in September of 2008 in season 1 of FMA v1.0. That particular season was pretty shaky and neither group advanced to finals. Starting in season 2, Emerald Vanguard started to make finals every season except seasons 4, 13, and 15. Sapphire Vanguard didn’t start making finals until season 6, and made it only 3 times after that (seasons 9, 11, and 13). When the current version came around, the corps’ first four seasons were very rough due to unexpected staff overhauls and rookies making up most of the corps. However, their work during those seasons paid off in seasons 5 and beyond. Ever since that season, Sapphire Vanguard has not placed lower than fifth at finals. The corps has taken home a total of four medals, two silvers and two golds, and they look to take another gold this season. This season is particularly special to the corps because it is celebrating its 25th anniversary. One trademark of this corps that draws fans in is its ability to do almost any kind of show and make it work. Sapphire Vanguard has performed Classical, Romantic, Jazz, Rock, Movie Soundtrack, Video Game Soundtrack, Country, and Electronic music. On top of that, our themes are always unpredictable and range from epic to goofy to dramatic to profound to just downright exciting. The corps and its director, TeamQuavers, thank its fans for their support and they hope to keep you entertained for more seasons to come!
Member of :
I have to say, it's a shame Olmstead90 wasn't nominated. His organization is rich full of history.
Continuum (Resigned)
I thought it was a shame that gcurrier wasn't eligible as he would have been my pick
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I voted earlier.

Is there only 1 inductee per round of voting? Or will a few be inducted?

How often are nominations/voting? I would love to see rocketfan86 and (gcurrier) nominated and in the Hall very soon after the current nominees!
I'm not sure if I was nominated or if I was just CCed in the message - but either way I would rather see which FMA player is voted to the top, and I wouldn't consider myself a player even though I run a test account, heh. So vote away!
a few thoughts on things mentioned.
* I don’t want to do a hall of fame every season as we would get large fast and I want it to be coveted and special, but maybe every other season at least to start? There are many many deserving directors out there (and yes I will throw my hat in the ring AT SOME POINT but didnt sit well with me to allow it the first go around especially where I am heading up the drive with Blue Demons). Not to mention everyone on these lists earned it!
* this go around there will be one from each (new/old) although my feeling is if there is a tie or an extremely close vote, both of those people might as well get in.
* Alex you were nominated and by more than one person--heck I am fine with just saying right now, you’re an honorary member of the hall of fame since we wouldn’t be here without you!
* cire Nemesis and Blue Deviled Eggs sure do have the east coast west coast rivalry down! LOL but then you have in-state rival who gets at me now and then with Sapphire Vanguard LOL
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
review of early voting shows a TIGHT RACE!!! VOTE TODAY!!!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I'm not going to write too much because most of you know who Unspecified is around here. I told Gary a month ago that I didn't think I was HOF worthy, and he basically told me I was crazy. So you should vote for me because of the following:

- I am on both the historical and current lists
- My ensembles and my leagues are both amazing
- I am a dedicated strategist

This is one of the few times you will hear me talk about why I am awesome.

Thank you for voting! :)
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Final day of voting!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
I should get on the whole history thing...


Eagle Regiment started as an Open Class Corps in FMA Version 1. In their first season of competition they received 11th place. Their best placement in Open Class Finals was 9th with 81.295 in Season 3. The group became more inactive and would only compete in 11 seasons in FMA 1. It would later be renamed to Skies Drum and Bugle Corps. This is why their home show is title the Skyline Drum and Bugle Competition. Upon entering the FMA 2 circuit as a Division 2 group, they would get 9th place in the first season. Since then, they had moved up to Division 1 and achieve its highest ranking ever in season 9 when they were in 7th place with an 82.475. This season, Eagle Regiment is rebuilding in Division 2. In the League world, Eagle Regiment was the group to officially start the North-East Combine. From there, Perception Drum and Bugle Corps would lead the crusade to what would eventually become the East Coast Combine, and later a part of CLASS.

Night Area High School started in FMA 1 in A class as Marching Night. At the time, the High School was located in West, Pennsylvania. Their highest ranking was 10th place with an 82.590 in Season 3. Just as Eagle Regiment did, they faltered in later seasons. In FMA 2, they started in Division 2 where they made 10th place in Finals. Last season they received their highest ranking ever, at 6th place. Traditionally, Night Area High School uses arrangements by Key Poulan. Their 6th place show, "Another Place, Another Time" did very well. Night Area High School was very active in creating the new Marching band league FBOA with Marching Knights. This new league shows great promise.

The Night Area High School Indoor Ensembles premiered in FMA 1 in season 2. They were known as Marching Night Winterguard and Marching Night Indoor Percussion. In Season 3, The Marching Night Winterguard would place 2nd in A Class Finals with an 87.800 winning the Ensemble caption, scoring just .4 under Wirewomen. Night Area High School would continue to go to FMA 2 in Season 2 and in Season 3 they would win Division 2 gold. This was the only gold medal Night Area High School has achieved. The guard continues to perform well in whatever Division its in, placing in the Top 10 regularly. The indoor percussion shows promise, but is usually just above Finals line or below it. The Night Indoor Percussion groups were involved in the creation of the International Indoor Ensemble Association in Season 4. This league is one of the largest and longest running leagues in FMA.

Overall, the Night Ensembles and Eagle Regiment has been in a high role participating in the growing of the FMA community. The director also has the highest post count on the forum, the next closest being Cire.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Sorry for the delay in ceremonies from Green Mountain Invitational! Irene didn’t slow us down for the show though!

Now that we have gathered all the nominees let me state what an incredible group this is! Each and every one of you will be in the Hall of Fame one day! Each of you brings a unique style and excitement to FMA that helps continue to make FMA a truly fun and competitive activity that challenges us all! The chosen Hall of Fame Members are the elite of the elite in this challenge thrown down to us all!

The First recipient and now honorary Hall of Fame Member is our founder and webmaster Alex Yoder! Alex, we owe you so much for continuing to support our dreams here on FMA! You are always reactive to our needs and constantly looking to improve the look, the style and the play!

The second recipient and now Hall of Fame Member is Chris Rohn. No matter what activity it is that I am involved with with Chris, he brings his all! To say that Unspecified has been a force for many to recon with is an understatement! Whether it be division II or I, his corps or his other activities or even yes, the league, Unspecified is what quality is all about at FMA!

The final recipient of Hall of Fame status is Cire. Blue Deviled Eggs is THE best corps to never win the title! They have challenged every champion that has ever been on the FMA field! Beyond having an award winning and powerhouse of a corps, Cire is extremely active in FMA, not backing away from a friendly rivalry or debate! Cire is one of the people I have found to become a true friend here on FMA and I am proud to see him get in the first round of the Hall of Fame!

Congratulations to you all! You three will be the benchmark going forward that other corps directors need to exemplify! You will be the quality standard used to determine future hall of famers!!!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Congrats guys.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Thanks everyone and congrats to the other HOF winners!
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
You three deserve it!
Member of :
Hey, maybe I should check out the forums more. LOL. Congrats to all!
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
Thanks, everyone. Its appreciated. :)
Detroit Parks & Recreation