March 1st, 2014 8:38pm
I am very proud of the FBOA effort this year! We had 3 of the Top 12 in Division I, with both the Silver and Bronze medals! Hopefully, we can have even more in the future! Here are the Finals results for all FBOA bands.
Division I
FMA Silver Medalist: Marching Knights; 98.535
FMA Bronze Medalist: The Tullahoma Azure Echo; 98.020
6th Place: Incognito Elites; 96.615
Division II
FMA Gold Medalist: Broken Carmel Springs; 83.550 (Me!)
FMA Bronze Medalist: Kentucky Massie; 78.025
6th Place: The Scarlet Regiment; 76.270
Division III
FMA Gold Medalist: Onachus; 88.395
FMA Silver Medalist: Nakoda Scouts; 83.830
Congratulations to all FBOA bands on a successful season! Let's have an even stronger showing next year. I am honored to serve as the current FBOA President.
If you have show requests for next season, please message me and I will get them on the calendar ASAP.