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Drill Writer Wanted
Looking for someone to write drill for my season-1 show. I have scores for all but the last movement ready to go. It doesn't have to be finished by any time during the season; I felt somewhat inspired to make this show, so really it takes precedence over the game. Reply here with a way I can contact you if you're interested. The theme is "Pirates!"
Eh...I don't know if I'm good enough. If you send me the score somehow, I could try, but keep me as a last resort. lol
I could give it a try. You can check out what I have so far on youtube!
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Allow me to sweeten the pot for anyone looking to get exposure by mentioning that I would like to place a video of the complete show on my website, crediting whomever writes the music accordingly, assuming they so allow.

Here's the audio, percussion cues only, so far:
<a href="http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates1.mp3">http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates1.mp3</a>; - Opener
<a href="http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates2.mp3">http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates2.mp3</a>; - Ballad
http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates3.mp3 - Production
http://jfarrangements.elementfx.com/audio/Pirates4.mp3 - Closer
Given the lack of responses, would either of you be willing to do it?
Check your youtube email.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Alright! Request filled, I guess.
I think I am pretty good?
Proud Director of:

Forbidden Regiment
Mighty Matador Marching Band
A way to contact you, Johnathan?
I'm on MML with Johnathan Doerr as my user name or johnnysax93@yahoo.com
Proud Director of:

Forbidden Regiment
Mighty Matador Marching Band
I'll be in touch.
I'm sorry to inform you that I will not be able to complete your drill for season due to my house being involved in a fire which happen to start in our hallway. My computer was destroyed and is no longer deemed to work. So this is my biggest apology and I hope that this will not end my work with you in the future.
**FMA** Hall of Famer*
Understood. Please accept my condolences for the fire.

Nice effects with the show, very impressed
Looking for a Season 2 designer as well, if anyone wants. I haven't started on the music, but it's never too early to brainstorm!
I'd definitely be willing to give it a shot. I'm looking to be a drillwriter anyhow, either on the side or for my own band once I graduate with my degree. I feel this could be some great experience.

My email: drummerz61@gmail.com
Past projects:
Express Drum & Bugle Corps - Div II
Rhythm X-press Drumline - Div II
Expression Winterguard - Div II