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Not enough competitions / not being accepted
Hopefully the combine / alliance / union / region idea will help this out. I'd just like to have at least 2 shows a week.

Edit) Not to mention I didn't know how this worked or I would have scheduled my contest a little later. I made the mistake of thinking I'd get the show money this season.....and looks like many others did alo since so many shows were scheduled the 1st week.

So, will we end up next season with too few shows at the start and most shows piled into the last week ? Hey, it's my first season, whadda I know ?
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
When did this whole contest thing become a popularity contest. I think the game is gonna lose alot of people after this season. I understand the concept of having the popular bands or who ever come to draw audience and money but it is leaving out alot of people to try to compete and see where they fall before championships. I cannot even get into competitions so all I do is keep playing and applying but i cannot judge how I am doing . I feel this needs to go back to the old way of signing up for shows first come first serve.
Robert mevec DIRECTOR
Well, it has magnified the fact you must add influence. It will keep people from just massing money, because they need to use some on influence. I think its a check for groups that would otherwise just fund-raise then use it all next season.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
Groups that start late are going to have a hard time getting into events. Most were full after one week. That said, there will be more spaces available when groups start hosting larger events. Also, I am going to try to make sure that there are several regionals next season. Even in the last system, you had a hard time finding events if you joined late. And really, it should be harder at that point just because of the nature of the game and what its trying to simulate.
how about if increase the min of band that you can host depending on division. make the min like 10 or 15 and make the max like 50. it will give more people to enter competetion
Pride of Bethune