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League of Unspecified Identity
No, you do not need to wait. As soon as we get funds the league sponsored show dates will be on the dates mentioned above.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Shows are up on the schedule! Please be sure to select the [unspecified] championship on July 29 first before you choose any additional events in Week 2.
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Karlovy Vary Invitational (CG) and Doha Invitational (IP) are being created right now! Space is limited!
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
Marching Knights will be leaving unspecified at the end of the season. CLASS and IIEA have been working together to start a new marching band league so that together they can span all four categories in FMA. As CLASS Chairman I am fully supporting this move to provide the marching band circuit a league with formalized structure much like CLASS has for drum corps. I very much appreciate my time with unspecified and will continue to bring home trophies for the group through the end of the season! as always i wish you all the best!
Chairman/Founder CLASS; INSPIRE! President, ENCORE

Nemesis-34X World Drum Corps Champ
Marching Knights-48X World Band Champ
The Knight Guard-36X Wrld Guard Champ
KnightDrum-60X Wrld Perc Champ
Hey... I accidentally quit my marching band out of your league... Is it possible to get back in?
-Blaski (Darklaw)
Colts 2011 - Baritone :: Minnesota Brass 2013 - Bass 4
Just send him a message that you want to be in the league, again. (Unless he read your post.) You should receive an invitation shortly after that.
Season 11 events are posted! Please make sure you join the championship events on September 27 if you are not already accepted into another show.

This season features events on all odd days of the season.

We have also just completed our seasonal membership drive. Please accept your invite to the League of Unspecified Identity to take advantage of our "preview of champions" style series of events!

It's a great time to be [unspecified]!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
After two offseasons of drum corps, I come back and finally joined as was privately promised quite a while ago. Glad to also suddenly be on the BOD. Whoo. Hopefully Tullahoma can better represent the league now that I have more time.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Welcome back Vinny! :)
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Good season all. Special congrats to a11igat0r for being to one person to keep Tullahoma from sweeping the [unspecified] championships.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Nice work everyone!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Hi team!

Status update for the following:

1. CHAMPIONSHIPS are on November 7. Please attend.

2. Season 12 will have Tier 6 events on every odd day of the season. Plan your events for even days to avoid conflict.

3. Financials before Season 12 expenses:

CORPS: $903,390
BAND: $555,720
GUARD: $916,500
DRUMS: $642,270

We are not short on money. We could have events on every day of the season now, if you want.

4. Have a great Season 12! If you received an invite from the league, please accept and participate in our spectacular array of events!

It's a great time to be [unspecified]!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
How can i get a Invite for this league?
We hand select each member so that they are only chosen when they are ripe to create a rich, flavorful league. An invite will come when it comes. Being active, having your ensembles push their way up the ladder, gaining influence, etc are all factors that go into whether or not the BOD or Chris sends an invite. To tell the truth I haven't sent one yet, just cause I'm busy (well lazy).
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Hmmm. It is only today that I noticed the name I've been using for the past at least 15 seasons, the Azure Arts would be initialed AA were I to do as planned and make a logo. I did not think this through.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
Khaki took out the Force in Championships this time :'( Will Tullahoma ever get that clean sweep?
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
This seasons schedule will feature league competitions on every odd day of the season.

Current league funds are as follows:

Corps: $1,774,410
Band: $1,123,260
Guard: $2,323,230
Drums: $1,872,570

Now is a great time to accept your invite to the League of Unspecified Identity!
Detroit Parks & Recreation
Nice League... Hahaha
If you would like to join, please do.
KStove is a jerk for breaking my records.
I was wait for that since I rejoined FMA and noticed the Leagues. Hahah Thanks Vinny. :D