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Stats and Rankings
On the stats and rankings page the following are not sorted correctly unless you click on the score column:

Color Guard: equip, move, ens are not sorted correctly

Drum Corps: GE's are not sorted correctly

Marching band: GE's are not sorted correctly

drum line: music perf, music ens, both GE's

Not a big problem at all, just letting you know.
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine

I fixed this earlier and then it showed up again. It should be corrected now.
Yep, all fixed :)
Founding Member and first President of the North-East and East-Coast Combine
Director of the Perception Performing Arts Network based out of Newbury, England
Support the East-Coast Combine