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Um, Dates?
The schedule's dates are off by a day, unless the weeks now start on Monday and end on Sunday.
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
I guess this goes in Bug Reports. It's late. Oops.
CLASS VP of Administration
Member of IIEA

Inferno- 21st Div. I
Rhythm Q- 3rd Div. III
HCHS Marching Tigers- 8th Div. III
HCHS Winter Guard- 6th Div. III
I'm not sure what happened exactly, but it shouldn't adversely effect gameplay. I don't want to change it now with show dates already set. The only major difference is one extra day of Pre-Season.
tick! :)
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"