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Welcome to the new Fantasy Marching Arts!
Thank you for visiting the new and improved Fantasy Marching Arts. This is the first season of competition using a completely new system, so everyone is a "newbie".

Have a look around, read the game guide, and feel free to ask questions. More features will be coming as they are completed!
where is the old version located?
FMA *Hall of Fame*

CLASS Board of Directors

Carolina Royals - 16X Division 1 World Champions (DC)
Same question as him and WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE WONDERFUL SITE YOU HAD BEFORE?! I'm assuming there was a glitch in moving the site over?
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
Additional: I didn't get to see what scores/final placings were before you had the site down. Anyway I can get that info still :-

Also, to the last question I asked, it seems to only be happening in FF that the site is looking highly glitchy. In IE it looks like it used to so I dunno what has happened. Could be something to deal with the update to FF.
Regal Regiment (CLASS) 4XBronze 3XSilver 4XGold
Marching Lords (UNSP) 4XBronze 5XSilver 5XGold
Nobles of Grace (UNSP) 4X Bronze 7XSilver 1X Gold
Drumming Imperials (UNSP) 2X Bronze 5X Silver 7XGold
I have to make a few changes for the old site to be usable. It will be available soon.

This site is the same as the beta. You might need to refresh your browser cache if you are seeing something different.
Pretty cool, I like it
For those that are playing out the last season of the old version: http://www.fantasymarchingarts.com/version1
When does the first season start? This website is awesome. =D
Right now, lol. The main thing to note is that the competitions start in a week on July 4th.
DC: Blue Demons Corps
Alright, that's what I was asking. Thanks!

Kudos to you Alex, for all the time this must've taken. Really awesome stuff here. =D
Welcome Novak! You can see the schedule for the current season on the front page, bottom right. Specific events are on the Schedule page.
Well we be taking another crack at staff writers, or are we going to wait until next season? If so, when will applications for positions be happening?
Director of The Wolves Musical and Visual Arts, a non-profit based out of Dacula, Georgia

Former FMA Drum Corps staff writer.
Yes there will be staff writers again. I will try to get the applications up soon.
This place is amazing. I can't wait for the first season to start. Thanks Alex, you did a great job! :D
Once again Alex, you never ceased to amaze me with the amount of work this all took. Looks very very nice. :D
Ryan T. Loveless

I -LOVE- the layout! A bit more challenging
Join the Marching of Kings! December 7th!
The older version was a lot more simplistic and easy for the "newbies". This game is a lot more in depth and it is a lot cooler than the previous one. I really like the energy concept and the fact that it replenishes hourly... I really think you did a great job!
basically, everything is better. this game actually has depth whereas the last one you bassically just had to get on every day, spread out your turns and hope the people above you in placement missed a week of spending their turns. this version actually has some strategy to it.
Favorite Composer: Richard Saucedo
Favorite Orchestrated piece: Motion (Brian Balmages)
Favorite Mainstream Piece: FireFlies (Owl City)
As newbee to all this, is there a time restriction for travel between shows in different regions ?


Newbee corps performs in a show in Kansas on the 4th of Julugst and can only schedule a show within 16 hours drive for the 5th ? ( or is that too much complexity because drummers are involved....< insert rimshot> )

Nothing like that Prof.