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Monday, January 20th, 2025
FMA Miami
Hosted by:  Hosted by     Attending Audience: 8,000 / 0    Attending Groups: 47 /
A Fantasy Marching Arts sponsored regional event.
Division 1
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
The Knight Guard INS 19.885 19.880 20.000 40.000 99.765 1
Robinson Secondary School Indoor Guard INS 19.745 19.750 19.735 39.485 98.715 2
Lumberton HS World Guard LGCG 19.755 19.075 19.105 38.165 96.100 3
Unspecified UNSP-G 19.050 19.065 19.050 38.105 95.270 4
✨Shine✨ LGCG 19.050 19.045 19.030 38.100 95.225 5
CloudScape LGCG 18.790 18.805 18.820 37.880 94.295 6
Les Roses LGCG 18.810 18.810 18.805 37.625 94.050 7
Motif (주제) INS 18.395 18.540 18.385 36.715 92.035 8
Hobbiton Color Guard LGCG 18.095 18.090 18.525 37.135 91.845 9
Cyborgs LGCG 17.570 17.560 17.905 35.755 88.790 10
Republic Venue IIEA 17.640 17.495 17.405 35.370 87.910 11
Pentium Guard Company INS 16.545 16.565 16.315 32.805 82.230 12
Division 2
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Hayfield Guard CGCO 18.050 18.040 17.805 35.585 89.480 1
Gulf Knights Independent CGCO 17.780 17.785 17.835 35.705 89.105 2
Rose City Independent INS 16.960 16.940 16.810 33.255 83.965 3
Mountaintop Performance Ensemble LGCG 17.615 17.625 15.625 31.260 82.125 4
K.K.C.G. CGCO 15.735 15.710 15.710 31.365 78.520 5
Godley Pride Guard LGCG 15.820 15.810 15.550 30.970 78.150 6
Blue Manhattan Italian Color Guard CGCO 16.060 16.075 15.160 30.490 77.785 7
Palm Beach Wave Independent CGCO 15.065 15.090 15.040 30.435 75.630 8
WCA Winter Guard LGCG 14.965 14.945 14.855 29.795 74.560 9
texas guard bWGI 13.205 13.230 13.130 26.755 66.320 10
Victoria Brass Winter Guard CGCO 13.490 13.390 13.235 25.850 65.965 11
Green Hope Winterguard CGCO 13.020 12.880 12.935 25.465 64.300 12
The Syndicate Indoor Guard LGCG 12.795 12.815 12.760 25.580 63.950 13
[SAMPLE FLAGS] LGCG 13.670 13.715 12.040 23.995 63.420 14
Amnesia LEGS 12.200 12.260 11.635 23.530 59.625 15
Zenith Winter Guard INS 11.940 12.370 11.355 22.740 58.405 16
Vision Dance Company INS 9.775 9.710 9.040 18.135 46.660 17
Division 3
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Gold Fusion Color Guard NCGLA 16.145 15.205 14.640 25.165 71.155 1
SpYn StL CGCO 13.060 13.075 12.730 25.175 64.040 2
Revival CGCO 11.535 11.545 11.560 23.135 57.775 3
Port Charlotte HS CGCO 12.120 11.995 10.990 22.265 57.370 4
RED Guard CGCO 11.195 11.115 11.305 22.565 56.180 5
Bacon and Eggs 11.490 11.555 10.610 20.935 54.590 6
Western Highschool Colorguard CGCO 10.890 10.655 10.620 21.435 53.600 7
Kinda Crappy Color Guard NCGLA 10.800 10.785 10.590 21.105 53.280 8
Angle 45° LGCG 10.515 10.350 10.575 21.645 53.085 9
Raider Flags Division bWGI 10.230 10.260 10.180 21.200 51.870 10
Desert View HS Gaurd LGCG 10.025 9.965 9.740 19.650 49.380 11
Lincoln-Way Combined Schools Winter Guard CGCO 10.055 9.975 9.595 19.245 48.870 12
The Dallas Auroras LGCG 9.695 9.715 9.670 19.385 48.465 13
Green Knights Guard 9.420 9.420 9.340 18.685 46.865 14
Philharmonique NCGLA 9.435 9.385 9.295 18.730 46.845 15
Bethesda High School 9.245 9.230 9.230 18.465 46.170 16
Pink Fluffy Flaggers Dancing on Rainbows 9.675 9.045 9.035 18.060 45.815 17