Name, League | Equip | Mvmt | Ens | GE | Total | Place |
Anaheim Kingsmen Winterguard LGCG | 15.750 | 15.445 | 15.675 | 32.725 | 79.595 | 1 |
Mountaintop Performance Ensemble LGCG | 17.690 | 17.695 | 14.615 | 29.225 | 79.225 | 2 |
Salt No Pepper CGCO | 15.090 | 14.295 | 14.110 | 27.725 | 71.220 | 3 |
Blue Cadets Color Guard LGCG | 13.370 | 13.530 | 13.390 | 26.980 | 67.270 | 4 |
Name, League | Equip | Mvmt | Ens | GE | Total | Place |
Ursa Angels CGCO | 12.350 | 12.350 | 12.205 | 24.455 | 61.360 | 1 |
Victoria Brass Winter Guard CGCO | 12.355 | 12.730 | 12.145 | 24.030 | 61.260 | 2 |
Redgrass Independant Color Gaurd bWGI | 11.825 | 11.790 | 12.040 | 24.285 | 59.940 | 3 |
5th Squadron of the Royal Ballet School CGCO | 12.105 | 11.975 | 11.180 | 22.425 | 57.685 | 4 |
Bacon and Eggs | 11.965 | 12.005 | 10.250 | 20.000 | 54.220 | 5 |
Winter Cascade LGCG | 10.610 | 10.625 | 10.635 | 21.535 | 53.405 | 6 |
Senators Color Guard LGCG | 10.645 | 10.625 | 10.455 | 20.385 | 52.110 | 7 |
Revival CGCO | 10.465 | 10.435 | 10.160 | 20.570 | 51.630 | 8 |
Unfinished Symphony Winter Guard CGC | 10.325 | 10.325 | 10.300 | 20.500 | 51.450 | 9 |
Los Ojos Winter Guard LGCG | 10.315 | 10.200 | 10.330 | 20.420 | 51.265 | 10 |
Pickens High School CGCO | 10.285 | 10.265 | 9.640 | 20.490 | 50.680 | 11 |
Phantomette Mini CGCO | 9.770 | 9.770 | 10.325 | 20.660 | 50.525 | 12 |
The redhots CGCO | 10.115 | 10.070 | 9.850 | 20.015 | 50.050 | 13 |
Cherry Fairies | 9.795 | 9.885 | 9.820 | 19.085 | 48.585 | 14 |
My Minions | 9.345 | 9.310 | 9.325 | 18.915 | 46.895 | 15 |
Ayala HS SCGA | 9.150 | 8.995 | 9.000 | 18.000 | 45.145 | 16 |