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Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Ursa Classic
Hosted by:  Ursa Angels     Attending Audience: 1,106 / 1,200    Attending Groups: 20 / 20
Bear show!
Division 2
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Anaheim Kingsmen Winterguard LGCG 15.750 15.445 15.675 32.725 79.595 1
Mountaintop Performance Ensemble LGCG 17.690 17.695 14.615 29.225 79.225 2
Salt No Pepper CGCO 15.090 14.295 14.110 27.725 71.220 3
Blue Cadets Color Guard LGCG 13.370 13.530 13.390 26.980 67.270 4
Division 3
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Ursa Angels CGCO 12.350 12.350 12.205 24.455 61.360 1
Victoria Brass Winter Guard CGCO 12.355 12.730 12.145 24.030 61.260 2
Redgrass Independant Color Gaurd bWGI 11.825 11.790 12.040 24.285 59.940 3
5th Squadron of the Royal Ballet School CGCO 12.105 11.975 11.180 22.425 57.685 4
Bacon and Eggs 11.965 12.005 10.250 20.000 54.220 5
Winter Cascade LGCG 10.610 10.625 10.635 21.535 53.405 6
Senators Color Guard LGCG 10.645 10.625 10.455 20.385 52.110 7
Revival CGCO 10.465 10.435 10.160 20.570 51.630 8
Unfinished Symphony Winter Guard CGC 10.325 10.325 10.300 20.500 51.450 9
Los Ojos Winter Guard LGCG 10.315 10.200 10.330 20.420 51.265 10
Pickens High School CGCO 10.285 10.265 9.640 20.490 50.680 11
Phantomette Mini CGCO 9.770 9.770 10.325 20.660 50.525 12
The redhots CGCO 10.115 10.070 9.850 20.015 50.050 13
Cherry Fairies 9.795 9.885 9.820 19.085 48.585 14
My Minions 9.345 9.310 9.325 18.915 46.895 15
Ayala HS SCGA 9.150 8.995 9.000 18.000 45.145 16