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Sunday, December 26th, 2021
Color Guard Semifinals - Division III
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The semifinals round for Division III Color Guards. Any group receiving a placement of 12th or higher moves on to the Championship Finals.
Division 3
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Potassium Pirouettes LEGS 15.720 15.720 15.015 30.490 76.945 1
Elevate Color Guard vDCIcg 18.820 18.275 14.245 25.290 76.630 2
Gardendale INS 13.775 14.180 13.875 27.120 68.950 3
Mighty Eagle Guard FLIGHT 17.045 16.375 11.830 23.600 68.850 4
Gay Guard INS 14.985 13.440 12.995 26.380 67.800 5
Apogee Independent INS 12.805 13.195 13.870 27.515 67.385 6
BOHS Greyhound Guard NSBACL 13.200 13.230 13.215 26.200 65.845 7
Lady Lopers FLIGHT 12.960 11.440 11.250 23.020 58.670 8
Riverbank Winterguard FLIGHT 11.565 11.555 11.745 23.635 58.500 9
Sponba 12.195 11.090 10.905 23.140 57.330 10
Obrecht Color Guard FLIGHT 11.430 11.210 10.665 22.340 55.645 11
Gaels Color Guard vDCIcg 11.075 11.095 10.845 20.950 53.965 12
Color Guard of Pride INS 10.090 10.150 9.665 19.190 49.095 13
Royal Flxsh 9.645 9.690 9.605 19.705 48.645 14