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Friday, February 24th, 2017
Color Guard Semifinals - Division II
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The semifinals round for Division II Color Guards. Any group receiving a placement of 12th or higher moves on to the Championship Finals.
Division 2
Name, League Equip Mvmt Ens GE Total Place
Avant-Guarde LEGS 19.990 20.000 19.995 39.985 99.970 1
Alton Spinnerettes LEGS 19.725 19.720 19.700 39.400 98.545 2
Avidity LEGS 19.700 19.705 19.710 39.430 98.545 2
Angelic Guard LEGS 18.870 18.870 18.920 37.870 94.530 4
The Spirit USGA 17.685 17.655 17.685 35.220 88.245 5
Lady Rocket WinterGuard MGC LC 15.960 16.005 17.995 35.945 85.905 6
Warrior Independent MFAWG 17.645 17.080 16.515 33.255 84.495 7
Velvet Hammer 17.850 18.080 16.885 31.280 84.095 8
Pandemonium NZ LEGS 16.630 16.630 16.500 33.595 83.355 9
Action! Winterguard 15.950 15.860 15.640 31.395 78.845 10
Motif (주제) INS 15.460 15.510 15.815 31.525 78.310 11
Pride of Armorgorr Color Guard FLAG 15.290 15.305 15.270 30.595 76.460 12
Avery Color Guard USGA 14.835 14.830 14.880 29.810 74.355 13
Redheaded Sluts 14.690 14.685 14.690 29.375 73.440 14