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Friday, January 17th, 2014
Drumline Semifinals - Division III
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The semifinals round for Division III Drumlines. Any group receiving a placement of 12th or higher moves on to the Championship Finals.
Division 3
Name, League M Prf M Ens V Prf V Ens M GE V GE Total Place
Sigma Percussion IAoIP 13.485 16.410 6.420 8.215 16.530 16.560 77.620 1
Chuck's Triangle PERC 14.850 15.620 7.530 7.830 15.230 15.920 76.980 2
Spiders IAoIP 15.330 15.270 7.650 7.635 15.475 15.490 76.850 3
The Drum Circlers PERC 14.975 15.710 7.500 7.715 15.170 15.670 76.740 4
Fin Fang Foom's Flammers PERC 14.820 15.775 7.465 7.590 15.070 15.110 75.830 5
Prophets Of The River 15.780 13.880 7.560 6.900 13.855 13.855 71.830 6
Rimshot Inc. IAoIP 14.075 13.495 7.015 6.680 13.600 13.570 68.435 7
The Taps 12.945 13.225 6.460 6.705 12.810 12.920 65.065 8
Black Bayou Percussion IAoIP 11.370 13.270 5.725 6.565 13.065 13.280 63.275 9
Bluebloods Drumline 12.400 12.570 6.270 6.285 12.840 12.655 63.020 10
Father Ryan Virtual Drumline DRUMS 12.475 12.105 6.250 6.070 12.405 12.765 62.070 11
Catville Drumline IAoIP 12.415 12.230 6.230 5.865 12.555 12.695 61.990 12
Highland Drumline IAoIP 12.730 12.035 6.030 6.340 12.025 12.735 61.895 13
lake hamilton 12.225 12.345 6.235 6.215 12.310 12.385 61.715 14
J.R.D.L. DRUMS 11.785 12.365 5.980 6.230 12.040 12.175 60.575 15
CHS Drumline 11.690 11.875 5.940 5.885 11.770 12.125 59.285 16
Infinity Matrix Pulse of Music City Rythm IAoIP 11.000 11.755 5.410 5.525 12.800 12.665 59.155 17
Redcoast Fury DRUMS 11.695 11.620 5.865 5.845 11.770 11.940 58.735 18
The Silent Sound Indoor Drumline 11.580 11.730 5.090 5.355 12.070 11.480 57.305 19
River Zion CADA 12.230 10.785 6.185 5.550 10.930 11.400 57.080 20
CLPInc PEARL 11.210 11.250 5.570 5.560 11.410 11.900 56.900 21
Rockbridge CADA 12.000 10.645 6.190 5.520 10.875 11.390 56.620 22
Malachi CADA 12.080 10.695 6.130 5.495 10.875 11.330 56.605 23
Saint John's CADA 12.015 10.660 6.175 5.495 10.870 11.370 56.585 24
Old Town CADA 12.060 10.610 6.185 5.540 10.785 11.345 56.525 25
Wildcats 11.285 11.365 5.680 5.650 11.230 11.235 56.445 26
Starlight Percussion DLTG 10.850 11.220 5.435 5.615 11.330 11.320 55.770 27
Rimshot Central BanonD 10.940 10.970 5.480 5.490 10.910 10.900 54.690 28
Finite Percussion DOA 10.825 10.735 5.430 5.200 11.020 11.255 54.465 29
Little Drummer Boys IAoIP 11.160 10.410 5.210 5.500 10.515 11.040 53.835 30
Penguins ECHO 10.705 10.570 5.360 5.310 10.545 10.910 53.400 31
Indian Percussion Ensemble 10.615 10.350 5.325 5.290 10.550 11.060 53.190 32
Normal Wldcats Drumline PEARL 11.275 10.505 5.005 4.960 10.340 10.550 52.635 33
Platinum Indoor DRUMS 10.425 10.455 5.225 5.215 10.615 10.670 52.605 34
Rythem Y 10.460 10.315 5.255 5.095 10.595 10.325 52.045 35
Organic Crabs 10.130 10.145 5.090 5.080 10.280 10.875 51.600 36
Psychopaths 10.285 10.120 5.055 5.025 10.365 10.690 51.540 37
Mayday Rhythm MPA 9.760 10.290 4.755 5.205 10.335 10.485 50.830 38
Zeldjaineerz IAoIP 10.070 10.125 5.040 5.040 10.095 10.140 50.510 39
Rhythm D 10.330 10.315 4.855 4.950 10.280 9.780 50.510 39
Z 9.790 10.185 5.050 5.055 10.195 10.135 50.410 41
Zekent DDB 9.915 9.890 5.045 4.925 10.105 10.470 50.350 42
MeowMerw ECHO 9.920 10.045 4.830 4.870 10.065 10.530 50.260 43
WildTurtle DDB 9.870 9.870 5.045 4.930 10.130 10.210 50.055 44
Force 10.150 9.705 5.155 5.175 9.540 10.230 49.955 45
Rimshot Inc. IAoIP 9.835 9.910 4.905 4.930 10.110 10.175 49.865 46
Pride of Tuskey IAoIP 9.925 9.890 4.945 4.935 10.065 10.070 49.830 47
Zeldjaineers IAoIP 10.025 10.055 4.990 5.005 9.855 9.890 49.820 48
LIP 10.155 9.855 5.095 4.695 10.095 9.780 49.675 49
? 13.630 9.000 4.495 4.505 9.005 9.000 49.635 50
Pandora 9.625 9.920 4.830 5.055 10.055 10.090 49.575 51
Extremities IAoIP 9.730 9.810 4.895 4.905 10.000 9.860 49.200 52
VegasX IAoIP 10.140 9.660 4.895 4.850 9.855 9.740 49.140 53
Zeldjain Crew IAoIP 9.845 9.800 4.930 4.930 9.815 9.800 49.120 54
Big Hero 6(s) IAoIP 9.975 10.040 4.855 4.890 9.585 9.650 48.995 55
Nova Creek 10.495 9.765 4.930 4.795 9.540 9.435 48.960 56
Black knights IAoIP 9.760 9.760 4.870 4.895 9.770 9.815 48.870 57
Drum Drum IAoIP 9.850 9.600 4.925 4.825 9.505 10.110 48.815 58
Flower Mound Drumline 9.765 9.830 4.935 4.920 9.660 9.670 48.780 59
Rudimentality 9.965 9.610 5.040 4.795 9.745 9.525 48.680 60
Omega Winter Percussion 9.545 9.630 4.790 4.915 9.705 10.065 48.650 61
Crystal Phallus IAoIP 9.690 9.850 4.870 4.870 9.660 9.690 48.630 62
Panther Power IAoIP 11.100 9.575 4.515 4.570 9.430 9.435 48.625 63
The Cranks 9.675 9.875 4.850 4.855 9.685 9.675 48.615 64
Tylertown Tacit Drumline 9.610 9.645 4.870 4.830 9.975 9.620 48.550 65
Dangerous Drumers 9.575 9.540 4.835 4.670 9.795 9.965 48.380 66
Northeast Firebirds Winter Percussion 9.595 9.565 4.775 4.785 9.855 9.750 48.325 67
DRAKS 9.520 9.550 4.760 4.700 9.800 9.980 48.310 68
Southern Stroke Roll LGDL 9.730 9.645 4.830 4.830 9.580 9.655 48.270 69
Green Pythons 9.720 9.600 4.970 4.830 9.540 9.580 48.240 70
Decoy IAoIP 9.695 9.520 4.775 4.755 9.515 9.890 48.150 71
Desert Sunset Percussion IAoIP 9.625 9.620 4.835 4.815 9.665 9.575 48.135 72
DarkSydePercussion IAoIP 9.645 9.655 4.800 4.780 9.520 9.670 48.070 73
Hitting Things with Sticks 9.510 9.525 4.745 4.755 9.615 9.845 47.995 74
Badger Drums IAoIP 9.505 9.485 4.765 4.750 9.800 9.655 47.960 75
PVP 9.555 9.650 4.750 4.765 9.480 9.695 47.895 76
Star IAoIP 9.560 9.525 4.780 4.760 9.635 9.630 47.890 77
Rocks Indoor Percussion IAoIP 9.780 9.400 4.845 4.705 9.410 9.745 47.885 78
Foshee Sparklers 9.465 9.485 4.715 4.805 9.490 9.895 47.855 79
Buzzcuts 9.550 9.515 4.750 4.745 9.420 9.815 47.795 80
Xtreme 10.035 9.435 4.885 4.695 9.365 9.375 47.790 81
Mystos Percussion 9.630 9.775 4.690 4.700 9.380 9.530 47.705 82
Ozark Mountain Thunder 9.510 9.490 4.815 4.770 9.495 9.600 47.680 83
Impact Drumline 9.335 9.245 4.960 4.885 9.385 9.805 47.615 84
Bananza IAoIP 9.565 9.420 4.750 4.670 9.680 9.510 47.595 85
Drummers IAoIP 9.440 9.580 4.630 4.660 9.840 9.430 47.580 86
Spooner independent IAoIP 9.685 9.375 4.820 4.700 9.270 9.725 47.575 87
Silver Lights Drumline ROYAL 9.320 9.290 4.645 4.680 9.775 9.850 47.560 88
The Bass Drops 9.515 9.455 4.665 4.615 9.770 9.435 47.455 89
Don't Touch My Pancakes! 9.370 9.515 4.755 4.750 9.535 9.525 47.450 90
The Same Cool Drumline from Thee Band IAoIP 9.470 9.440 4.685 4.705 9.630 9.515 47.445 91
Manatees 9.485 9.445 4.700 4.705 9.435 9.625 47.395 92
Buchanan High IAoIP 9.590 9.450 4.850 4.750 9.340 9.400 47.380 93
pulverizers 9.615 9.245 4.820 4.625 9.620 9.435 47.360 94
The Diddle Group 9.460 9.385 4.630 4.630 9.595 9.655 47.355 95
Drumtastic 9.490 9.335 4.755 4.685 9.335 9.700 47.300 96
Matthew EDM 9.230 9.540 4.580 4.830 9.465 9.630 47.275 97
Frederick Crabbers IAoIP 9.450 9.530 4.715 4.755 9.310 9.480 47.240 98
Gamma Ray Percussion 9.555 9.480 4.670 4.685 9.420 9.405 47.215 99
White Thunder IAoIP 10.065 9.310 4.675 4.655 9.275 9.235 47.215 99
Hellstorms IAoIP 9.305 9.290 4.730 4.650 9.375 9.865 47.215 100
Hot Pepper Cheese ECHO 9.585 9.395 4.780 4.680 9.395 9.375 47.210 102
Las Vegas Dynasty 9.490 9.560 4.675 4.665 9.330 9.485 47.205 103
Drums of Bismarck IAoIP 9.385 9.290 4.735 4.645 9.730 9.400 47.185 104
blackhawks 9.280 9.480 4.685 4.760 9.475 9.500 47.180 105
Nexus Percussion Ensemble 9.360 9.270 4.690 4.660 9.595 9.600 47.175 106
Black Shadow 9.525 9.520 4.715 4.710 9.380 9.320 47.170 107
The Drumline IAoIP 9.585 9.425 4.670 4.625 9.095 9.720 47.120 108
Scarlet Diddles IAoIP 9.340 9.345 4.680 4.715 9.640 9.395 47.115 109
Louisiana Jazz IAoIP 9.170 9.490 4.580 4.690 9.795 9.385 47.110 110
Rising Sun Indoor Percussion IAoIP 9.375 9.385 4.715 4.680 9.425 9.500 47.080 111
ADL IAoIP 9.495 9.415 4.725 4.710 9.375 9.360 47.080 111
Maple City Stars Winter Drumline 9.405 9.330 4.710 4.660 9.615 9.320 47.040 113
Great Oak Wolfpack Independent IDEA 9.365 9.220 4.755 4.625 9.525 9.545 47.035 114
Titains IAoIP 9.685 9.475 4.660 4.575 9.250 9.355 47.000 115
Crimson Percussion 9.405 9.480 4.655 4.705 9.405 9.335 46.985 116
Detroit Drumline IAoIP 9.465 9.315 4.605 4.690 9.590 9.310 46.975 117
DrumBreakers 9.550 9.075 5.685 4.530 9.060 9.075 46.975 117
Rhythmic Euphoria Percussion Ensemble 9.355 9.455 4.680 4.645 9.345 9.490 46.970 119
Paraflamdiddletaps 9.275 9.200 4.750 4.660 9.385 9.675 46.945 120
The Red Devils 9.360 9.325 4.610 4.620 9.650 9.380 46.945 120
Rolling Red Tide IAoIP 9.450 9.305 4.725 4.640 9.470 9.270 46.860 122
Virginia Helmsmen 9.675 9.535 4.525 4.525 9.540 9.040 46.840 123
City Different Drumline LGDL 9.500 9.260 4.650 4.630 9.410 9.390 46.840 123
Vertigo IAoIP 9.480 9.290 4.695 4.655 9.265 9.455 46.840 124
Gold Standard Percussion 9.210 9.190 4.625 4.695 9.395 9.715 46.830 126
GMO 9.175 9.295 4.715 4.630 9.290 9.705 46.810 127
XzFusionXz 9.475 9.275 4.705 4.565 9.290 9.480 46.790 128
Reeths-Puffer Drumline 9.155 9.290 4.735 4.625 9.475 9.510 46.790 128
Beat It 9.240 9.235 4.805 4.610 9.550 9.340 46.780 130
Campbell County Drumline 9.310 9.205 4.570 4.640 9.320 9.720 46.765 131
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 9.485 9.200 4.730 4.560 9.505 9.285 46.765 131
Redhands 9.350 9.410 4.650 4.630 9.455 9.230 46.725 133
The Avenged 9.230 9.290 4.685 4.655 9.345 9.515 46.720 134
Cougar Sound 9.280 9.325 4.630 4.685 9.305 9.495 46.720 134
Panther Steel 9.435 9.190 4.750 4.570 9.595 9.180 46.720 135
under water drummers 9.220 9.220 4.665 4.660 9.350 9.595 46.710 137
CXP 9.230 9.300 4.670 4.620 9.550 9.315 46.685 138
BeastOfTheEast 9.300 9.280 4.610 4.575 9.590 9.325 46.680 139
Cold Steel 9.240 9.295 4.580 4.605 9.590 9.365 46.675 140
Prestige Drumline 9.285 9.315 4.585 4.585 9.595 9.300 46.665 141
Mid-West Fury 9.380 9.175 4.630 4.600 9.405 9.455 46.645 142
Tomahawks EGDLL 9.255 9.300 4.595 4.580 9.590 9.305 46.625 143
Golden pride 9.280 9.260 4.640 4.660 9.370 9.415 46.625 143
Infinityandbeyond 9.385 9.140 4.685 4.590 9.105 9.685 46.590 145
Crimson Regiment Percussion IAoIP 9.185 9.285 4.585 4.590 9.600 9.340 46.585 146
Angola High Indoor 9.140 9.275 4.585 4.630 9.575 9.380 46.585 146
quackerdoodles indoor IAoIP 9.235 9.270 4.780 4.650 9.290 9.360 46.585 147
Morristown Indipendent Percussion Ensemble 9.295 9.175 4.665 4.535 9.465 9.445 46.580 149
The Blue Angels 9.420 9.180 4.700 4.575 9.050 9.655 46.580 149
CruzCTRL 9.375 9.275 4.625 4.610 9.445 9.240 46.570 151
black lightning 9.265 9.240 4.670 4.645 9.125 9.615 46.560 152
Overland Drumline 9.255 9.290 4.665 4.600 9.330 9.395 46.535 153
gladiddles 9.190 9.215 4.590 4.570 9.490 9.470 46.525 154
Rhythm Y 9.445 9.385 4.685 4.550 9.130 9.315 46.510 155
Milford Percussion 9.315 9.255 4.675 4.590 9.120 9.555 46.510 155
The Anonymous 9.175 9.245 4.770 4.560 9.385 9.370 46.505 157
Carlisle Winter Percussion Ensemble 9.175 9.190 4.590 4.615 9.455 9.460 46.485 158
Shrapnel 9.420 9.390 4.565 4.600 9.180 9.330 46.485 158
RhythX 9.350 9.160 4.585 4.570 9.500 9.315 46.480 160
Blazing Tortillas 9.275 9.295 4.520 4.575 9.515 9.295 46.475 161
PRC Blue Brigade 9.275 9.195 4.645 4.570 9.290 9.495 46.470 162
Legacy Indoor Percussion Ensemble 9.195 9.310 4.620 4.625 9.355 9.355 46.460 163
LRDL 9.250 9.265 4.610 4.630 9.145 9.560 46.460 163
The Turnips 9.260 9.165 4.555 4.600 9.230 9.645 46.455 165
Rhythm Y 9.375 9.275 4.565 4.590 9.320 9.325 46.450 166