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Saturday, December 7th, 2013
Marching Band Finals - Division I
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The championship finals round for Division I Marching Bands. This is the final contest of the season.
Division 1
Name, League Winds Perc M Ens V Prf Guard V Ens M GE V GE Total Place
Robinson Secondary School Marching Rams ENCORE 9.805 9.805 9.760 9.810 9.815 9.770 19.560 19.565 97.890 1
The Marching Marchers 9.675 9.665 9.815 9.680 9.650 9.700 19.645 19.395 97.225 2
Spirit of Westchestertonfieldville 9.555 9.550 9.650 9.555 9.550 9.655 19.290 19.285 96.090 3
The Marching Figments 9.585 9.540 9.610 9.540 9.545 9.605 19.240 19.325 95.990 4
The Tullahoma Azure Echo 9.610 9.615 9.565 9.615 9.610 9.560 19.110 19.125 95.810 5
The Marching Lords 9.400 9.135 9.515 9.455 8.960 9.855 19.425 18.985 94.730 6
Trombone Institute of Technology ENCORE 9.875 9.155 9.180 9.195 9.155 9.190 18.870 18.820 93.440 7
Red Devils 9.365 9.380 9.375 9.295 9.370 9.350 18.635 18.640 93.410 8
Firebird Pride 9.225 9.110 9.430 9.180 9.110 9.365 18.870 18.900 93.190 9
Pacific Northwest High School 8.900 8.835 9.305 8.980 8.930 8.885 19.175 19.420 92.430 10
Teen Titans KMEA 9.000 9.000 9.135 9.005 9.000 9.115 18.365 18.285 90.905 11
Commonwealth Arts Academy H.S. Band ENCORE 8.895 8.905 8.980 8.870 8.905 9.055 17.995 17.995 89.600 12