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Monday, September 30th, 2013
FMA Miami
Hosted by:  Hosted by     Attending Audience: 8,000 / 0    Attending Groups: 50 /
A Fantasy Marching Arts sponsored regional event.
Division 1
Name, League Winds Perc M Ens V Prf Guard V Ens M GE V GE Total Place
Robinson Secondary School Marching Rams ENCORE 8.255 8.250 8.245 8.245 8.245 8.250 16.615 16.595 82.700 1
Red Devils 7.405 7.400 7.565 7.460 7.390 7.560 15.025 15.020 74.825 2
City of Detroit Academy for Marching Band 7.365 7.315 7.645 7.375 7.285 7.645 15.045 15.040 74.715 3
Firebird Pride 7.300 7.190 7.060 7.080 7.200 7.100 15.070 15.145 73.145 4
Division 2
Name, League Winds Perc M Ens V Prf Guard V Ens M GE V GE Total Place
Greenwood Marching Warriors BoA 7.635 8.395 6.855 7.845 7.610 7.275 13.595 14.340 73.550 1
Sunwest Avengers 6.915 6.920 7.020 6.915 6.910 7.000 13.930 13.905 69.515 2
Red Riot MBI 6.865 6.815 6.995 6.835 6.885 6.995 13.760 13.825 68.975 3
MUMK BRAVO! 6.545 6.495 6.755 6.480 6.480 6.680 13.620 13.435 66.490 4
Full Spectrum FBA 6.910 6.920 6.505 6.935 6.915 6.500 12.860 12.855 66.400 5
BG Majestics 6.300 6.305 6.420 6.275 6.290 6.480 12.840 12.735 63.645 6
Neutron Star 7.255 5.590 5.365 5.425 5.660 5.325 10.830 10.685 56.135 7
Marching Panthers MYNWA 5.840 5.800 5.370 5.560 5.670 5.220 10.680 10.940 55.080 8
Pride of the Smokies 5.105 4.865 5.110 5.010 4.925 5.235 10.600 10.345 51.195 9
Starstruck KMEA 4.905 5.050 5.080 4.900 5.050 4.980 10.145 10.220 50.330 10
Mathis Ferry High School 4.625 4.595 5.160 4.645 4.635 4.890 10.360 10.375 49.285 11
The Xpress BoFe 5.055 4.820 4.815 5.155 5.210 4.805 9.550 9.605 49.015 12
Redskin brigade KMEA 4.660 4.650 4.760 4.890 4.740 4.900 9.615 9.995 48.210 13
Perfect Explosion FBA 5.100 5.025 4.615 5.105 5.065 4.615 9.225 9.220 47.970 14
Division 3
Name, League Winds Perc M Ens V Prf Guard V Ens M GE V GE Total Place
Supremacy ISMA 6.275 6.105 5.735 6.290 5.795 5.700 11.595 11.450 58.945 1
Commonwealth Cadets CAMarA 6.040 5.765 5.290 6.250 5.970 5.630 10.545 10.690 56.180 2
Murray State Racers KMEA 7.245 6.240 5.015 5.840 5.135 5.130 10.380 10.175 55.160 3
The Colts 5.280 5.275 5.240 5.175 5.295 5.155 10.910 10.535 52.865 4
Spartans ISMA 5.240 5.240 5.235 5.245 5.220 5.235 10.575 10.550 52.540 5
Vemix Vanguard Cadets 5.265 5.330 5.035 5.290 5.145 5.130 10.315 10.220 51.730 6
Avery Viking Marching Band USBEA 5.250 5.085 5.100 5.105 5.165 5.105 10.365 10.375 51.550 7
The Dreamers ISMA 5.085 5.075 5.160 4.990 5.050 5.165 10.405 10.405 51.335 8
Marching Maestros CAMarA 5.265 5.170 5.310 5.210 5.160 5.260 9.915 9.905 51.195 9
Muhlenberg Mustangs KMEA 5.610 4.925 4.765 4.900 4.895 4.765 10.620 10.615 51.095 10
Trojans ISMA 4.865 4.890 5.050 4.820 4.885 5.235 10.440 10.375 50.560 11
The Davidson County Wolves 5.030 5.035 5.120 5.020 5.015 5.060 10.000 10.255 50.535 12
Rock Creek Marching Band 4.925 4.885 5.100 4.890 4.875 5.115 10.025 10.035 49.850 13
Indians 5.255 5.090 5.105 4.790 4.810 4.760 10.120 9.630 49.560 14
Digital Wonders ISMA 4.905 4.930 4.905 4.910 4.820 4.880 9.945 9.990 49.285 15
Highlands 4.855 4.815 5.030 4.820 4.770 5.090 9.915 9.875 49.170 16
The Pride of the Milkyway ISMA 4.840 4.930 4.975 4.820 4.770 5.000 9.830 9.750 48.915 17
Spirit of New Castle 4.845 4.765 4.980 4.760 4.760 4.880 9.835 10.025 48.850 18
Ram Booster Club 4.965 4.970 4.685 4.970 4.955 4.695 9.560 9.550 48.350 19
Re.Mix 4.835 4.800 4.695 4.865 4.805 4.705 9.460 9.485 47.650 20
Jan-O Marching Band 4.665 4.670 4.725 4.605 4.750 4.760 9.665 9.585 47.425 21
The Only Mars Marching Band 4.575 4.685 4.785 4.605 4.775 4.895 9.545 9.555 47.420 22
Crazy Mom-E Marching Band 4.735 4.585 4.955 4.590 4.600 4.710 9.710 9.415 47.300 23
Marching Mustangs 6.645 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.510 4.505 9.000 9.000 47.160 24
JHYap Marching Band 4.555 4.575 4.615 4.660 4.840 4.755 9.370 9.665 47.035 25
Fearless Flight FBA 4.955 4.610 4.605 4.605 4.600 4.610 9.205 9.215 46.405 26
Drastic Decision FBA 4.930 4.600 4.600 4.605 4.600 4.605 9.210 9.215 46.365 27
Continuous Improvement FBA 4.925 4.600 4.600 4.610 4.605 4.610 9.205 9.205 46.360 28
Blue Thunder 4.585 4.635 4.605 4.575 4.625 4.610 9.340 9.355 46.330 29
Sonic Explosion FBA 4.910 4.585 4.585 4.585 4.580 4.585 9.165 9.160 46.155 30
Gettysburg Elites FBA 4.880 4.575 4.550 4.560 4.555 4.555 9.110 9.120 45.905 31
Black and Silver 4.560 4.565 4.545 4.535 4.585 4.565 9.090 9.165 45.610 32