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FMA fans calling for more activity
It seems FMA is getting more and more unactive. people are just getting bored of the whole idea. The calling of more activity is in high demand to keep FMA on top. A fantasy bigger than fantasy football and baseball deserves some improvement.

I say FMA should get some updates, as in updates were we can actually fantasize the arts. Some examples: take micro marching league, there you can actually be creative. you can see what im mean by takeing a look...http://micromarching.com/
Another idea is putting the whole thing of how your marchers look. Let us see what our marchers look like, colors and everything. Just updates like these will keep FMA from falling.
President and Founder of the APA competitions.
I deleted the topic in the General Discussion Forum. We don't need to double post things to get a point across. Thanks in the future for not doing this! :)

I wouldn't make FMA totally like MML. They are two completely different sites; however, I do agree that there could be a little spicing up of the site though.
i never said to make exactly like it. Just makeing the site more fun to players and to come more.
President and Founder of the APA competitions.
As a full time website programmer myself.. I can tell you this much..

Alex is doing this site on his own time, and doing a great job as well. However I'm going to assume even with the store, this is not his main source of income to live off of, and he is probably paying more out of pocket to run the site than what is coming in.

If you really want to see the site take off, donate money to the site, or use the site store to help support the site.

You might not think donations matters, but for example.. I run www.helpmemarch.org and it went live in October, and has done very well, helping raise over $5,500 for members fees.. however the site currently has no income, which means my other website work which is paying, takes priority.. which means I can't work on HMM. I ave a lot of ideas and things I need to do to the site, but since December I've only had a chance to work a few hours on it.

I'm going to assume it is pretty much the same way with Alex
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
I see what you are saying it just seems to stay the same. Maybe if there was a way to brighten it up a bit.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
There is. Keep practicing, and start winning. It brightens my day every day when I win. :)
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Ya when you win. But like me I have to go to school everyday which cuts out a lot of the time where i can rehearse so I fall behind while I am still stuck in division 1 making it almost impossible to regain myself because I cant be on here every 4 hours on the dot.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
Just make a competition with only yourself and brand new members, that way you will have a better chance at winning!
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
If you can't be here every 4 hours just set your campaigns at 60 or 45. I understand where you're coming from though, I've been having problems with my internet and I've lost tons of rehearsal time this entire week. I'm hoping I can pull together to still make finals.
Continuum (Resigned)
And I know missing a lot of rehearsal time isnt that big of a deal because its just a game Im just saying how about more updates or how about maybe rethinking division placements or something just a little something to spice it up.
RWB "It's all for Love L-O-V-E" - Michael Jackson
I leave my campaigns on all the time. But its done in a way that it would use up whatever I would have left over anyway. When I get more time I'll take it off but, I don't.
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles
same goes for me for the rehearsal, not haveing anytime to get on. Also anytime i do have time and get on the computer, I barly ever go to FMA. To me its boring to get on anymore. Yeah your right it is fun to win and get awards, but, its just missing that one thing that wants me to keep coming back any chance i get.
President and Founder of the APA competitions.
I agree with RedRegiment... It needs something to better help the director connect with his/her performers
Well, join a combine. It really gets you into it a little more. Especially if you are really active in your combine.

Create press releases that talk about how your rehearsal went one day or if something major happened in your program. It is what you make it. :D
Founder of the IIEA

Eagle Regiment | Night Area HS Performing Ensembles