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Introducing the new FAME vs CLASS....
Hello, directors, I've come up with a new idea for FAME vs. CLASS.

Each week, the top 20 corps from FAME and the top 20 corps from CLASS will represent their leagues in daily battles to earn points towards their league's weekly total. DIvisions are eliminated, and placement is based on how you score each day. I will rank all 40 corps based on their daily scores and assign a point value for each placement. For instance, the corps that has the highest score for the day will receive 25 points for that day. The 2nd highest score receives 23; the third highest scoring corps receives 20 points.

4th highest - 17
5th highest - 15
6th highest - 14
7th - 13
8th - 12
9th - 11
10 - 10
11 - 9
12 - 8
13 - 7
14 - 6
15 -5
19 and below only receives 1 point.

If you haven't already done it, try to apply to as many events as possible. More events means more oportunities to score points for your league.

If you are not one of the top 20 corps in your league after week 1, you still have a chance to bump a league mate from the top 20. I base the top 20 simply off of your high score. I'll be watching to see if anyone drops out of the top 20. I believe, this will give the rehearsers a chance to bump nonrehearser out of the top 20.

After week 1, The Golden Knights, Carolina Royals, and Dark Knights are the top 3 scorers.

The Golden Knights had a perfect week winning 25 points at 5 events for a total of 125; Carolina Royals scored 115; Dark Knights scored 100.

CLASS is leading with 761 vs FAME's 713.

To view the full scoresheet, copy and paste the link below. I uploaded an Excel file to OneDrive.


Let week 2 begin! Check for updates on the scoresheet. I'll put in everyone's points after we get our scores today.

Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

Love this idea. Thanks Aaron!
Bailey Knight
Pride of Peachtree (CLASS)
Peachtree Cadet Marching Band (ENCORE)
Spin and Rinse (FLAG)(Operator)
Renegade Percussion (PERC)(BoD)
this is a really good idea :] this should be used every season imo
Medals ~
D3 Silver S51
Thanks for getting this together--no doubt a lot of work! should be
Division 2 Drum Corps, Marching Band, Color Guard and Percussion World Champion
I apologize for the delay. I work and attend classes full time, but finally I finished the scoresheet. Here are the standings after week 2.

FAME is currently in the lead by 12 points :)

FAME - 1477 vs CLASS - 1465

The Golden Knights were the top scorers again, but this time they only scored 118 points; Dark Knights scored 113; Carolina Royals scored 100.

The Golden Knights are still number 1 with 243 total points.

Carolina Royals have 215 points.

Dark Knights have 213 points.

Nobody has dropped out of the top 20 in their leagues, yet.

Check out where you place and view the full scoresheet below.

Full scoresheet link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AqYsp918aiERgWTUPDP2tYqvt7z7

Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

looks like we have a barn burner!!! who is surprised with two such great leagues???
Division 2 Drum Corps, Marching Band, Color Guard and Percussion World Champion
Hey Aaron! Just a note, you can make the link have an actual pathway by removing the "s" in "https". Might make it a bit easier lol

Edit: example- http://1drv.ms/x/s!AqYsp918aiERgWTUPDP2tYqvt7z7
12 years later
Hey thanks! I guess, I'm not as computer savvy as I thought I was (lol)
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

Hey Aaron ik this is late but thanks! This is a cool idea
Alexander Morales

The Panthers Drum and Bugle Corps- CLASS
FMA Hall of Fame Committee Co-Founder
FMA Commentator
Former FAME President
Thank you, Alex.

I haven't forgotten about FAME vs CLASS. I'll have the Week 3 results ASAP. It's midterms (surprisingly already), and I'm busy. Thanks everyone for your patience. As soon as I get these stinkin' exams finished, I'll work on the results :)
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

where is A-Aron? :(
Ouch! This season turned out to be a failure for me. I apologize for any inconvenience. I didn't plan for midterm exams to consume so much of my time. The good thing is that midterms are over :) I have time to play the game again. See you next season, and I expect everyone to bring it! Okay?
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

FAME vs CLASS will begin again next season. I fell behind last time because of school, but as long as I keep up with it daily, unlike last time, it will workout.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

I hope it works out. that is a lot of info to keep up with
One thing I'd recommend adjusting this time around is the frequency of which points are handed out. I think maybe at the end of each week the points are dished out based on overall placement for week 1. For example you get 50 points for being in first after week one, then 75 week 2. Make the stakes get higher and higher as the season goes on. This would highly benefit the heavy rehearsers vs the non rehearsers. Plus it is kinda hard to get everyone into a show 5 times a week just based on how much smaller the site-wide activity has become :/

Btw you're a genius for this whole thing lol this is so cool!

Edit: IT also makes it much less work for you so that you don't have to constantly worry about it, while further building the anticipation of the results for each week. It provides checkpoints for the corps involved.
12 years later
Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Yes, I like your idea. I'll just add something to it. 25 points can go to first place on opening day, because we'll have all week to rehearse in preseason; 50 points go to first place at the end of week 1; 75, at the end of week 2, etc :) It will make it much easier on me but still will be an effective season-long competition. I'm excited about FAME vs CLASS. Let the games begin (in a few hours :-)
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

Yay I'm not dumb after all xD

Definitely excited for this season! I missed a lot of unnecessary hours this season so I will hopefully be able to contend for a title, but we'll see. Plus I'm not even maxed out on staff yet lol
12 years later
Ladies and Gents, it's time to view the first set of scores :)

Because CLASS has 24 corps competing at the moment, I only used the top 24 corps in FAME; my apologies go out to the FAME corps which did not make the cut this time around.

Because the majority of the points are awarded on a "World Class" level, I created a way to make division 2 and division 3 corps more beneficial to the team total. On a "World Class" level, you may place 40th, which, at this point, only gets you 1 point, BUT you might be 1st in your division which would earn you bonus points. The top 7 corps in divisions 2 and 3 earn bonus points.

Please be aware that the bonuses ONLY go towards the team total and not your personal score. All corps that placed below 20th this time around only earned 1 point towards their personal score but may have earned bonus points for their team by placing in the top 7 in their divisions.

CLASS has a total score of 253.

FAME is trailing with a total score of 207.

It's another close one, so far!

Here's the link to the spreadsheet I created with Excel and posted to OneDrive.


If you are using a mobile phone to view the spreadsheet, please let me know how it looks. Excel sometimes looks funky on mobile phones.

Thank you, and what a great start everyone! There are many outstanding starting scores this season.

Aaron Sickmeier, director of......

Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)

Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)

Dark Knights Guard

Cool. Love it
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." - Plato
This is so.awesome . I see you did a lot of work. Thank you for doing this