October 12th, 2015 2:44pm
Sorry, FAME, I totally missed the change over to the new season. I have some bad news, though. I won't be playing anymore. I need to appoint a new founder. I have an idea of who I want to take over. Actually I have a few people in mind, but a couple have already stated that they don't want the responsibility.
The main reason that I have decided to quit is that it takes up too much of my time. I can't lose sleep over this game. I'm trying to hold down two jobs and rehearse with a concert band at the same time, in addition to trying to have a social life. I've been struggling the last few seasons to be competitive. FAME deserves a founder who can be active. Furthermore, I've lost my excitement for the game. At one time, I used to play almost religiously. Now I really don't have any interest. Sadly it's lost its appeal.
In a way, I feel bad for quitting, because I have met some awesome people on here; one of those people is Gary Currier. I'm glad we've become friends in real life and that we will remain friends despite my departure from FMA,
The person that I want to appoint as new founder is alxmm98. Ever since he has started on FMA, he's always been very enthusiastic about FAME, he's active on the field and in the forum, he's always positive, and I know that he'll make a great founder.
Thanks for the good times, and good luck.
Aaron Sickmeier, director of......
Dark Knights - (FAME, original founder)
Marching Elite - (ENCORE! original founder)
Dark Knights Guard