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Attendance Doesn't Increase Before an Event?
So i have events for all 4 circuits. Today i have my marching band event and noticed that the attendance stayed the same from yesterday to today. This was the same for my drumline event. So I guess no last-minute ticket buyers? Just an observation.
Original Member of the Mid-West Combine (defunct)
Depending on your time zone it might seem like it didn't change, but it might have run before you noticed it on the previous day. You won't gain any more attendees on the day of your event because the system that determines how much you gain runs at night.
So what about if you haven't gained anyone for your event? I have had my event posted for about a month and no one is attending. I have 5 groups attending and they all have influence... as well as my group. What am I doing wrong?
Division II - The Knights and Marching Knights
The site has only been up for 3 weeks. But regardless, your event occurred quite a while ago, you will not get any attendees after the event has already happened. If an event has groups performing but very few attendees (or in some cases zero attendees), that means it was created right before it occurred and thus no ticket sales were able to be made.