November 18th, 2011 3:00pm
This is stemmed from this post -
Instead of manually changing this for everyone that messes up, why not create more options in the Overview and do something like the following?
- $10,000 to change your group name once
- $50,000 to allow a longer signature
- $20,000 to change your show date (assuming no other applications have been submitted)
- $30,000 upload a custom avatar
- $100,000 upload a bigger custom avatar
- $50,000 sticky 1 forum post for 1 month (good for show promotions, etc, limit 1 per month)
- $10,000 upload a corps logo
- $200,000 join an extra show (to avoid the max weekly show limit)
- $1,000,000 pay off the judges for a better score at a non-FMA show (regionals, finals)
- $10,000,000 pay off the judges at finals with a 50% chance of getting caught and being disqualified for the season
- $20,000,000 pay off the judges at finals with a 10% chance of getting caught and being disqualified for the season