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Why play every season?
So, here's the predicament I've found myself in...

Last season (10) was my first full, active season in FMA 2.0. All my ensembles were Division III, and all did fairly well, though being away from the internet during Finals week kept me from medalling.

So, with zero Top 3 finishes to my name, two of my ensembles got bumped up to Division II. Now, I'm logging on 4-5 times a day, spending every last rehearsal point as fast as I can, and I'm barely treading water in 25th place.

What's the point of playing the game if there's absolutely no chance of becoming competitive over the season? Seems to me you can determine after one show whether you should even bother playing that season or sit out until next season, hoarding money.

By no means am I a master of the game, and I'm sure part of it is because I haven't figured out the best possible way to spend point. But still, it seems like too much of the game is figured out by "luck of the draw" so to speak.

Also something I've been considering: what chance is there that I will EVER catch up to the level 60 and 70 directors that have been playing since day one and sit atop the D1 standings season after season? Is there any way for newer players to ever become competitive in the top division?

There might be perfectly reasonable answers to all this. Just thoughts I've been having.
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
tl;dr summary: I have no problem putting forth the effort in playing the game, but I can't say I'm seeing all that effort having much of an effect (or any effect) on my ensembles this season.
FMA v1: 9 Golds, 12 Silvers, 8 Bronzes
FMA v2: See profile
I think you're definitely right on some things. There's always been a strange aspect to the game which comes from the dilemma of realism vs. the fact that its a game. And one of the casualties of this is the fact that you often cannot catch up to the highest groups if you're in the middle of the pack. This idea is rooted in reality, for example, a group that practices 20 hours a week but doesn't have a good show or staff will not necessarily beat a group that practices 12 hours a week with a superior show and staff. However, when it comes to gameplay this isn't always encouraging. I've spent a lot of time tweaking things so that, even if you start out quite low, you still have a shot at improving throughout the season if you choose to put forth effort. You may not end up in Finals, but you will improve. The problem might be that there is no immediate reward for putting forth effort if you aren't going to make finals.
I think that the point of this game is to be as realistic as possible. I think it is really interesting to see all of your groups improving season after season, and putting effort towards the game makes it much more enjoyable. Even if you get 25th place, you know that you tried your best to be up in the top 12, and I think that provides an enjoyabe experience. It will eventually be possible to catch up to the best groups. Eventually, you will no longer be able to spend money as you have maxed out your staff as im sure a couple of the top groups have already done. It may take a few seasons, but it can be done.
I put more time into the creative aspect of this game than the actual playing.

The game playing itself is easy. I set an alarm-- every four hours. It virtually takes maybe 2.5 minutes to click a few buttons, BAM, corps rehearsed.

The REAL time, for me, is spent maticulously designing my show. Anyone who keeps up with my corps (The Druids) knows I write paragraphs under my repertoire. I want my fellow FMA-players to be able to see and hear my show-- I want them to feel like this game is real. This also influences me into writing press releases that are in depth, writing a history for my corps, and even making a website with all sorts of "traditions" that my corps has made (several taken and modified from ensembles I have been in with the past).

I spend, on average, several days every Season writing ideas, changing the website, coming up with new things to add, say, and release that will make this game more believeable, and more enjoyable for others who play. If I could write a press release a day about the day-to-day life of tour for the Boys in Green, without annoying the heck out of everyone, I would!

AND, I am not even putting my all into it. I still realize it's a game, and I have a life. I do drum corps, teach/do marching band, I am a full time music ed student, and all the while I love to sink some free time into this fantasy world where I couldn't be any prouder of my ensemble.
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
This is definitely not a game that you can just just do every once in awhile and expect results.. just like any competitive activity you need to put in the practice time and be dedicated.. and even then you might not win, but if you keep at it you will improve, and eventually (if done right) there is nothing to say you won't become a Div 1 champion eventually. There are benefits from hoarding money for a season or two, but those benefits probably won't be long term.

Also, just because you start out at x place, does not mean you have no chance at being competitive. Most of my groups start around around 5th-8th place in Div and they all end up in the top 5 (usually top 3).. I wouldn't be surprised if some groups improve even more placements.

The game takes does strategy at the beginning and throughout each season, and takes about about 30 seconds-2 minutes every 3-4 hours the entire season... you can play to be more creative, or you can play to be competitive, or both.. but in the end, it's up to you to play and put forth the effort to see any results.

To put it in perspective, one other member and I are the ONLY members on this game to have made Div 1 finals with all 4 groups every season, and I'm the only one to have never been out of the top 5 in all of my groups.. This means that basically EVERY group in the top x positions had to work their way up and many of them started out in Div 2 or 3.. some of them didn't even start playing in season 1. I've seen a lot of new contenders for the gold each season, so just because you start in Div 2 or 3 or in dead last, does not mean you have no hope.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
"you can play to be more creative, or you can play to be competitive, or both.. but in the end, it's up to you to play and put forth the effort to see any results."

Could not have said it better myself.
Douglas Olmstead, Druids Drum & Bugle Corps Executive Director
When I have time to play, I do

Otherwise I figure it's time spent at a Union 76 truck stop in the repair bays.

Is anyone playing ?

Usually this bord is fun to read but there are very few posts and I don't see much movement in alot of groups.
I think everyone is busy.. I have only had time to just play for the few minutes and get back to work.
Nakoda: "im gonna slap russ with his own balls after the game"
Since school started I haven't had much chance to get online but wow, my influence is growing ( but maybe I should have gone for cash )
I had a real hard time at the beginning of the semester and during early week for marching band, but I've found the best way to maximize my points and it's paying off.
***FMA Hall of Fame***
8x DC Gold 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
9x DL Gold 116, 118-119, 121-122, 124-127
12x MB Gold 28-30, 46, 116, 119, 121-122, 124-127
25x CG Gold 28-30, 36, 45-48, 53-54, 69, 88
Go on my profile and look my marching band's score for the 4th season. We started out at below 18th place, and we managed to climb all the way up to 3rd. This game is all about analyzing scores, and knowing where you're getting beat at, and how much energy to put into those stats. That, and setting an alarm every 4 hours. That's a big part of it too.

EDIT: It's been a long time, and my numbers on my 4th season were a little bit off. But you get the idea.
School also plays an important role in ones ability to do well. If anybody else's school is anything like mine, then it has a filter system that blocks EVERYTHING. Therefore, you MIGHT get to go on maybe 2-3 times a day. But that is only if you go on wicked late. And then there is the parental factor. My parents don't allow me to go on before school, and by the time I get back from school/soccer practice/marching band rehearsal, it is too late to do anything, for my parents do not allow me to go on the CPU at midnight or 3 or 4 am.... I think this site is really cool and all, but school and family comes first. Sometimes you have to tell yourself it's time for bed and turn off the computer. Sure, I wish I could go on more, but that's life. O_o
12 years later